Jeff R.

Reverse Flash's tics vary over time. The first version is that he should be the hero getting all of the praise, and that the fact that he isn't has nothing to do with his psycopathic murder streaks but is somehow everyone else's fault.

Pariah? The origin lines up, he's asssociated with the crisis, and he signposted the name this episode…

Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians; "Baloon Man" was their biggest single. Have I gotten so old that the late 80's are now something that didn't happen to any other people?

Definately the wrong John Mayer song to hate on. Should have picked the "Fathers be good to your daughters, because I might want to hit that someday and don't want to have to waste my time dealing with daddy issue drama before I get her clothes off." one.

And I laughed, like I always do…

I'm constantly finding myself irritated by the cinematography of this show; particularly it's use of markers that scream "seventies" to me for scenes that take place in 1994.

This is why we should bring old-school Law and Order back: on original recipe, Jack McCoy would have found a way to put the elevator itself (and it's manufacturers) on trial during the second half of the show.

Well, Six Feet Under is just barely from the last decade anymore, and most of the Billy-Brenda stuff is pre-2004…

Dear John really doesn't deserve it's current obscurity. (Why is it pretty much the only show to have spent more than a season in the Must-See-TV lineup that hasn't ever seen collections? It's not like it extensively used licensed music…)

It sounded to me like they thought they could make the body disappear forever and make him be forever unfound. If they're just talking about other people's DNA, then, well, maybe. Wouldn't bet the farm on any in his stomach or even his mouth, though.

It's a cognative dissonance thing from having had to buy it as an import.

Cosby, Family Ties, Cheers, and Night Court, whippersnapper.

16 Seasons of the SUV=more than 350 prime time rapes. Congratulations, America.

I think I have to go I'm Your Man here, with The Future and Various Positions vying for second.

The ethos of the show, like all remotely acceptable ethoi, was never the kind of ends-justify-the-means soulless utilitarianism that you're propounding.

At one point late in the game Leslie mentioned something about opening some kind of restaurant or bistro thing. Which he probably could do anyway, but the prize would let him get past some macho pride using his own money bs thing or other.

I find it difficult to believe that "spot on" didn't make it to 10

I think Courtney's going down sooner than you think. We're approaching Job Offer Zone, and I think that's going to be the way she goes out. I'm expecting a Leslie-Elizabeth finals, whcih could go either way.

Willie definately got ripped off; they were clearly supposed to have the Black keeper aprons by this point rather than the white leave-them-on-the-station ones.

Well, until you have another. Unless you really don't like the second one.