Jeff R.

Let's talk inflation. Was it really possible for six hungry men (even hungrier than they started after mugging the other three guys) to eat out at a sit-down restaurant with enough left over for a tip for the waiter back in the eighties?

Gotta go with the Hipster choice, "Hey Little Twelvetoes". They must have shown that one, maybe twice over the however-many-years Schoolhouse Rock! was a thing.

See, given the unbelievable fiction of a prize-structure that they want the audience to believe in, those black aprons are the only incentive between the beginning of the competition and the grand prize. (Apart from the possibility of random job offers from Ramsey or Joe, that is.) So of course they're important.

This year's Oscars are just going to be one long Necrology, interrupted by occasional commercials and awards, aren't they.

So, they left out the last song in the film, right? Always demand truth in subtitling…

Leslie has hinted at being pretty well-off; his wife could have enough money that the prize money wouldn't matter. On the other hand, he's definately the most genre-savvy contestant we've seen on this show, and that statement was gauranteed airtime (And I suspect that he did it of his own free will). He also seemed

This team challenge really was a coin toss; the team that got to do steak won despite having executed it much, much worse. (I suspect that there was a literal coin toss involved here, since I don't see how anyone who's even watched a cooking show would willingly be the team that doesn't serve steak.)

And a supposed 11 hour time jump between them as well…

Not saying it's not realistic, just that it never works that way on screen. Altough ususally it's a nuclear launch involved rather than just attacking another ship.

You know, in a full 24-hour season we'd have gotten at least a couple hours of Crimson Tide/Last Resort going on on that sub, but instead we get the first submarine crew in media history to get a completely unexpected order to start a war who just does it, no delays or questions asked….

There's another level to the title "Tar Baby", the metaphor (which is often maddeningly apropos, maddeningly because of how nearly unusable it is because of the phrase's history as a slur) from the story of Anansi (or Br'er Rabbit, if you prefer) and the Tar Baby; the trap that binds you tighter and tighter the more

So, does the fact that Heller got snubbed by the silent clock mean that someone more important is going to die by the end of the season? That list is pretty much Audrey, Chloe, and Jack, right?

I'll take Jon Snow serves as regent to Dany's orphan kid (or kids; twins is a possibility.) [I take the Maegy Maes Dur curse as having real force, so if the other parts come true in some manner or other and she does give birth to a live child, the last part also happens, which is to say that she is reunited with


I'll add "Half Jack" from the Dresden Dolls. And "The Wrong Way" from Sublime, although in that case it's not the narrator's father but the subject's…

Speaking of whom, I have to strongly suspect that the Dad of "Hello Dad, I'm in Jail" wasn't exactly parent of the year…

It is official now; Simone is to Live Another Day as Janet York was to Season One. Except as a slightly more sympathetic character.

So, are we going to head to the season seven reviews every Tuesday after the classics wind up season six? Immediately, or after a break of some kind? One at a time or by twos? We should organize this stuff eventually.

Does schizophrenia count as a mental disability for this purpose? Because if so, there's The Fisher King, at least.

Some or all of that was covered back when they were reviewing the entire Adult Swim lineup as a block, but those reviews seem to be very difficult to find right now/post revamp…