Jeff R.

Eh,Alex isn't that bad. He is a proven fundraiser, which is an asset most of the rest of the board lacks. But the gift was clearly more about Yang trying to keep his career on the 'awesomeness' path rather than the money one.

"not voting" doesn't qualify as revolutionary actions. Those who walk away from Omelas are every bit as complicit as the ones who remain, and if they feel any better about it then it's only though willful self-deception.

You know, I bet the AVC could do worse than picking up Grey's Anatomy as a covered show, now that it isn't being competently recapped on TWOP anymore and all that.

I was so gratified by Skye this episode. I've been waiting through Winter Soldier and the whole Uprising arc for someone, anyone, to play the "You're seriously a frickin' Nazi" card on anyone in Hydra. Long overdue, but at least finally out there.

That makes sense (In terms why why I hold it against Season 3 rather than another season, for not being the season that I was implicitly promised…)

For me, Season 3 is tainted by the unresolved cliffhanger at the end, which really pissed me off as soon as I learned that Season 4 wasn't going to pick up right after and give Jack a double-day but rather would be 'resolved' in a video game spin-off thingy.

Cafe Diem from Eureka if it's actually the food I'm after. Otherwise, The Hungry Hiefer.

What do you think the other 25 images are?

In the "May is Hydra" scenario, she would have just told Ward that she was leaving and, I don't know, put her lanyard on a passing Beaver or something. She'd still need the penny.

Okay, those are all fairly okay clues. But I still don't see how, once she starts thinking along those lines, she didn't also put together how he brought up the drive, with extremely flimsy segues to the topic, what, two or three times since he'd been back.

I'm a bit confused about Skye's thought processes, honestly. If she really hadn't caught on that Ward wanted her to decrypt the drive until up in the plane, how does she make the jump from "Koenig is dead" to "Ward is Hydra" without at least considering the alternate "May is Hydra" and "Someone/something else has

Right; I really doubt that fake band names on the whole are even noticably worse than the names of semi-successful real bands, let alone the names of real bands that never really got off the ground. I bet that in a blind test where people were given three options: 1. I've heard of this band, 2. This is an actual band,

So, um, what's the deal with Hell's Kitchen coverage? As the featured show yesterday it certainly sounded like there was going to be some (not clear if just for the premere or the whole season), and yet…

No Mirror Voyager, but practically every third episode wasn't about the actual Voyager crew, but rather a more interesting alternate universe or fictional version of them. All told, this was probably a wise decision; almost all of the best episodes of the show minimize the appearance of the 'real' Voyager crew.

We're down to one medical drama and pretty much zero lawyer shows (Rake not being long for this world.) So it's really down to two TV professions, and couting Firefighter has always been a bit of a stretch. Today's three professions are "Cops, Forensic Scientists, and Private Consultants With Quirky Skillsets

Discus makes it extremely difficult to tell for sure, but after a dozen clicks I'm deeply surrpised nobody has mentioned Istambul (not Constantinople) yet. (Also, why are there 800 comments before the twitter points at the article?)

The devil's volleyball!

It is very strange to talk about Vic Fontaine without even mentioning Voyager and the Doctor [not that one]. Most of the concerns in the review here had been around since TNG's Moriarity episodes and had pretty much already either been resolved or were well on their way to being resolved on the issue of the potential

Not necessarily; I personally think that the entire reason that Ted is telling this story to his kids at this point is as preamble to telling them that he's going to start dating again. (And I really hope that the person he's going to be dating is, in order of preference, 1. someone we've never heard of, 2. Veronica,

Blackadder Goes Fourth.