Chairmark Mao

But that's the thing. I think if they really gave a shit - McKinnon in particular - they would have walked off like Nora Dunn. Right now is the WORST possible time to get some teeth and declare partisanship.

Especially since most people under thirty seem to think that Shrek wrote that song.

A year ago, Trump hosted and they were all pals. This cold open is phony as hell.

Someone's been reading my dream journal.

This is beneath you, Moby. And are we quite done calling things "a garbage fire?"

I saw Threads in history class when I was sixteen. I'm a great deal older now and I still haven't gathered up the nerve to watch it again.

Hey Dowd, why don't you leave the pop psychology to the pop psychologists? I was also raised in a completely secular household, and The Exorcist scares the shit out of me. That single-frame demon face, ugggggh.

I can attest. In Australia, our first female PM took some of the worst abuse in Parliament, and from the public, with absolute grace and aplomb, which of course just made them all madder. It was utterly sickening to see a woman in power make headlines for being "barren." Of course, we fucked it all up.

Cocksure is amazing.

Sheff is easily one of the greatest living songwriters.

"Prepare to have your mind blown by M.I.A.’s latest slew of bangers."

National garbage?

I love Poly Styrene, and I've been saying this for years. But "footnote" is hardly accurate. Anyone who knows any 70s punk beyond "London Calling" and "Anarchy in the UK" has at least heard "Oh, Bondage…"

Katherine Hanna, huh? This fucking place, I swear.

Rewatching Juno revealed that it wasn't very good in the first place. Lots of awful, cringeworthy lines like "honest to blog!" aged it badly. What's worse is that kind of falsely "snappy" dialogue has informed a lot of bad film and TV writing over the last ten years.

Sincerity time: as a guy, it is important to occasionally remind myself that bullshit like that Vanity Fair article still gets published.

Nice to get a reply from the author's parents. Maybe I'll hang around!

Bummed that these guys are breaking up. I love Make Up The Breakdown, and Elevator is not half bad, either. They fell off my radar after that, but now I'm wondering why…

I noticed that, too. Do they not know what it means? I mean, this IS the AV Club, so…they probably don't. Why do I keep coming here?

Also, they are just about the greatest live band on the planet.