Chairmark Mao

I thought Deerhoof Vs. Evil was decent. "Super Duper Rescue Heads!" was a strong single. I don't get the hate. They're easily one of my all-time favourite bands.

Make Up The Breakdown is a top-ten record for me, even if some aspects seem a little dated now. A big part of it, obviously, is nostalgia. Everything about it appealed to sixteen-year-old me: my Dead Kennedys knock-off band broke up, my sister bought me a cheap synthesizer at a garage sale and I learned every note

At one point it was my favourite DEVO album. It's so subversive and out-there. "Explosions" is a great song.

Of course - for some reason, I read "King For A Day…" but thought "Album Of The Year." I actually don't think I've ever listened to all of "King For A Day…" though there are some great tracks on that one.

Oh, don't get me wrong, Myer's absence is felt, and it's far from their best work. The title track is very decent, though. I'm just saying that DEVO's worst is still better than anyone's best.

I've never understood why [AS] has a reputation for bro-ish, stoner humor. I feel like anyone who says or writes that has only ever seen Robot Chicken, which is fucking unwatchable. ATHF is often very clever, but it's the weirdness that seems to stay with people. Sealab 2021 is obviously the template for Archer. I

Shout isn't their best work, but it's still better than most music. We're all DEVO.

As a twenty-eight year-old currently trying to gather up the nerve to ask out a forty-two year-old, thank you for confirming it can be done. You're saying there's a chance!

Odd that nobody has mentioned the Gene Wilder flick The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother. It's quite good.

But I did read years ago about another incident in which they pulled a
woman out of the audience during a show. So, you know, their reputation
proceeds them somewhat.

Okay guy. I just don't like their music.

Her saying that “being a victim didn’t fit my self-perception,” for me, is the most powerful argument against pro-Cosby shitheads being all "why didn't she report it sooner?"

Yeah, it looks like it has been corrected since I first commented. It originally said both songs were from 1969.

I fucking love that song so much.

Yep, and a cursory Google search would have confirmed that this date is incorrect. It was 1983 (as if one couldn't tell by simply listening).

"After he’s put away, she gets a job of Apple."

"…not like Molly literally doesn't understand how to write correct sentences."

"Chris and Fran and deeply incompatible people at this point in their lives."

As usual, Brownstein articulated it perfectly. She's too smart for Twitter.

"Stop using the word “plus-size,” damn it."