Chairmark Mao

A. There's also an Alive & Well promo video in which Grohl and the others look into the camera and say "I'm not afraid of AIDS," or something to that effect. I wouldn't do that for a good friend. Not for my best friend.

"AIDS is a myth" - Dave Grohl

I wish I could give this more likes.

I must have had to take my brother to see this or something. All I remember is a song about Grouchland where the residents sing about how it's against the law to use soap, so they wash themselves with cheese. It got a big laugh from me then, and I was the only one.

Andrew Sachs: the go-to response to anyone who tries to tell you how enlightened and cool Russell Brand is.

Hep Alien covering Joe Jackson. I knew this show wouldn't let me down. Not with the music selection, anyway.

And for what it's worth: "Lulu" makes Lou Reed a whole lot less great.

That's precisely what I got from it.

I'm just saying, if I were making an album, that line wouldn't survive the first edit. A meticulous artist would edit. I'm not saying that line represents his entire career, but a truly meticulous artist wouldn't let it slip through the net.

It's not, but do you think there is one that would change my opinion? I've heard all of Yeezus and MBDTF and I still think he's mediocre, and I'm still pretty convinced he hates women. I think he's more a businessman than an artist. His music, to me, seems secondary to his shoe empire.

Hey, I know what I know. "Gold Digger" is sexist bullshit but people keep acting like West is an unimpeachable genius.

I think that anyone who owns an empire is aligned, yes. He certainly strikes me as more business school than art school.

In his music, maybe - I wouldn't know - but the guy owns a line of sneakers. He's absolutely aligned with Trump's philosophies.

Is there some clever wordplay in that line that I'm missing, or should I just find the word "asshole" inherently funny? Or is it the word "fuck?" Help me out here.

So that line about getting bleach on his shirt (I'm not even going to look it up) is the work of a meticulous craftsman?

Can I just say this?

Wait, let me try that again: Buckley's version makes me want to go swimming in the Mississippi.


Buckley's version makes me want to fucking puke.

That's what I don't get. The cast were "quite pissed off," but ultimately didn't feel strongly enough about it to walk off. Imagine the impact if someone with legitimate star power like McKinnon had walked off in protest; not unreasonable, especially since now pretty moderate people are starting to see that Trump is