
Thank God for concurrent sentences.

Clearly the header image is from an obsolete entry in the series, as we all know that the national law enforcement organization in GTA is the FIB, which is a very funny joke.

Just use the blank tile.

I know there are probably words in this article, but I can't stop looking at the header image. Hot damn.

The SNL version is annoying. Do they run a normal round first to demonstrate to the audience how the game works, because they think that little of us, or is it just for padding out an unnecessarily 90-minute show?

Yeah, I read the article when it was first published on BBC. The only scientific publication linked is in the journal "Food Quality and Preference" and its abstract doesn't even give a lousy p-number. I'm an actual scientist and my organization doesn't have a subscription to that journal so I can't read what they did.

This sounds pretty reasonable, and I also wouldn't be surprised if these kinds of effects vary a lot from person to person. I know a lot of people who consistently get pressure headaches and others who have no problems.

What I mean is, I've eaten meals at an actual unpressurized altitude of 13,000 feet (on a mountain). The cruising altitude of airliners is much higher, but they are pressurized, and the air pressure while you're on one is equivalent to about 8,000 feet (I remember hearing that some newer planes keep more air pressure,

I keep hearing this and still don't believe a word of it. An airplane is not pressurized above the normal air pressure, but just to maintain what you'd get at about 8000 feet (depends on the plane). The usual assertion is that a lower air pressure dulls your taste buds, but I've eaten several meals at 13000+ feet and

That's a super interesting way to parse it. I may have to rewatch it now.

There are nerds on here?

A plane rapes a blimp! I can not shout this loud enough. This movie is dumb as hell, and my read is that it's less self-aware than Adam thinks (the boring scenes between the admiral and the senator are awfully self-serious, iirc), but if you like really dumb stuff in movies you have to see the rather graphic depiction

There are no average at best roles, just average at best actresses.

Look, I let you people get away with the Thirty Years' War, but this is too far!

Edge? Cutco? Interslice?

Absolutely. I worked for a firm with a Public Defender contract and it was tough. We tried, and we worked harder than many as we were a new firm trying to build a reputation, and I even worked extra hours to get things done without telling my boss about them. There are stories I could tell that still break my heart to

Tell us more about what you googled!

peperony and cheese

More Than Meets The Thigh!

The packaging for the supplements disagrees with you. "Homeopathic!" is right there on the front of the box.