
Christ, this joke

I had one of these for the first time in my life a couple weeks ago and didn't really like it, so I guess it goes on the list of Popular Things I Just Don't Get, somewhere between Mad Men and heterosexuality.

More like Insolvent! Haha… ha… that door there's the exit, you say?

America's Bosom Buddy.

You are not.
Edit: Wait, which one are we talking about? I didn't care for Altered Carbon because the main character was just exhausting, I haven't read the other one.

He has a one-star review that says "This truly is GINO (Godzilla In Name Only)", chafes at the portrayal of the military as not terribly competent, and complains that the city should have been "under marshall law". I desperately want to believe all of these people are some kind of deep-cover trolls.

Upvoted by someone who gets irrationally angry every time a sailing ship with multiple masts is referred to as a 'pirate ship'.

Wow, that's terrible. Is that from one of the books?

Wasn't I wearing a hat?

I worked in public defense, and when there was a question of mental health we'd hire one psychiatrist to do an evaluation, and the prosecution would hire their own. Ours would always say the guy wasn't responsible for his actions, theirs would always say he was. The system works!

I checked this because I didn't really believe it, but yeah, 95% RT. I watched Snowpiercer on Netflix without being aware of the buzz and thought it was a pretty flawed movie with some cool sequences but it didn't really hold together. It's still a little odd to me that it's some kind of cult favorite.

Finally, a movie studio capable of handling the adventures of 420hedshoturmom with all the gravitas it deserves!

Ah, that kinda sucks about it closing. In the hotter summers I used to buy Slurpees down the road and hang out at that Barnes & Noble reading books I never bought, just to hang out in the AC.

Yeah! I know that as nerds it's popular to get pre-disappointed about new things, but I have so little, please let me have this.


Every time he kicks down the door to shoot the assassin in VI, I can't help but yell "Scotty Power!"

Even scientifically literate researchers will fall into pseudoscience in areas just barely outside of their field of interest. I know a solar astronomer who believes that climate change is solely a result of the sun. He's done no climatology but he can fit an n-parameter equation to historical variations in

…and by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer… is no.

I will watch every Mariners game until my inevitable aneurysm.

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