

Old Man Yells at Cloud (but, like, the internet kind of cloud)

I saw the 2D/3D piece in Seattle years ago. I was taking an art class but not taking it seriously. Walking through the Turrell exhibit by myself on a rainy Sunday morning was extraordinary. I thought the same thing, that it was projected light, but then the people in it started moving. I'd never been told about or

Unrelated: clicking around the site today, I keep accidentally opening ads in new tabs trying to sell me a Fiat. Joke's on them, my credit is a tire fire!

This was the company founder's second idea, after a music streaming service for the deaf.


I thought Lost to the West was pretty interesting. The Byzantine Empire is a topic just dying for a Game of Thrones-style treatment.

I remember some early buzz that Malcolm Reed on Enterprise was going to be gay, but it turned out he was just British.

I used to read the DS9 novels. They were never great but I had to stop when a major character arc they'd been working on for a few books turned out to be a result of Mirror Universe brainwashing.

Holy crap, how have I never heard of this before?

They're not asking.

To stay faithful to the game they also need to recreate the experience of going through Uplay, probably by making customers pass through a fine mesh screen strung across the theater entrance.

Next up on Forbes: is Undiscovered Country some kind of Cold War metaphor?

This movie convinced me not to watch the others.

For the last time, I'm not putting on the glasses!

Harry Potter and the One Drop

The Internet: Butthurt since 1978.

random bombings
United Nations
stop an invasion
start an invasion
tough talk
soft talk
close talk

I accept your apology for watching a Sharknado movie.

I just assumed the grade is C- so it looks like Pac-Man eating a pellet.