The Human Stain

I saw this last week. This was payoff with the wife for going to see Star Wars when it comes out. It was actually pretty good - a solid B+ A- in my opinion. As others have already mentioned, I suspect that the dry British humour of Bennett doesn't travel well - perhaps this why his fellow footlights performers, the

I loved the books so am looking forward to this starting on the BBC this week. Isn't it strange our perception of ancient British history. It start the Celts being the heroes against the invading Romans. Then the Romano-British are the heroes against the invading Saxons (Arthurian Legend) and now, in this, the

Those fudging melonfarmers at Apple.

My only slight disappointment so far is Mark Warrens fairy. I seem to remember
him being a lot more mischievous, a lot more snide and full of himself.
The book version reminded me of the sort of bully you some times got at
school. Their malice seemed to be directed towards amusing themselves as
much as achieving any

One of my favourite sci-fi books series. The problem is that it is such a complex trilogy of books I'm not sure they can do it justice but kudos for at least trying. There has been talked over the years of film adaptations but a series is probably the only way to get close to fitting it all in.

I was watching the news in the afternoon and they lead with Ron Moody dying. Later, the evening news lead with Christopher Lee dying and didn't mention Moody's death. How unlucky is it to be upstaged on your death. RIP Ron Moody.

I really like Private Life. I saw it when I was really into reading Doyles books and actually felt it was superior that some of his works. Plus it has Christopher Lee as Mycroft. His delivery has so much dry wit that I swear that if he stood in the North Sea he would turn it in to a desert.

I'm probably giving away my age but I saw this at the cinema before ESB. I was quite young and years later I could just remember it but wasn't sure if I'd imagined it. I'd love to see this again.

I watched this too late night on BBC2 when I was quite young. At the and when he does that horrible thing, apparently I screamed and ran up stairs into my parents bedroom. My mom laughed about it for ages afterwards.

The film also offended the British Embassy staff by showing them turning the Americans away when in fact they took them in and helped.

"Spoilers" Ahead………

Seems someone is looking to be sued.

On an unrelated note, I will be suing the makers of 'New Man Grain' cereal (once some one actuals starts making such a product).

Forbidden Planet remains one of my favourite sci-fi films. I even enjoy how dated its attitudes are - the only women is only there to provide the love interest and as a damsel in distress. There is a comedy, drunken cook on the space ship who, to be frank, would be kicked off any space ship before it even took off

As someone who has actually seen the movie (on Friday) could I just say that I'm firmly in the camp for thinking the whole thing is meant to be a satire on the attitudes in Bond movies and their whole "ex public school boys saving the world whilst being Sauvé" thing. Yes, Obama (or at least a president who is

Exactly - we have the Tea Channel, the Crumpet channel (which announced they are to merge), Ye Olde Shopping Channel, 24 Hour Monty Python, MTV (Monarch Television), The WB Television Network (The Warm Beer TV network), Feel free to add any (much better) ones.

Towards the end of the song, they cut back to the MC who slowly raises his head and smiles and nods at the camera - that bit always chills me. I have always wondered what they are trying to say.

I heard that Isherwood didn't approve of Minnelli in the role because she was too talented. The point being Sally Bowles was not talented and was seriously deluded about her chances of making it big. However, as Souse Chef says, it would not have worked with a talentless singer/dancer in the role.

I once worked in Brunei. They basically had no copyright law so every other shop seemed to sell bootleg DVDs. The covers were often hilarious. The best one (and one I almost bought just for the cover) was some awful Rob Lowe film about being trapped in a sinking boat. The cover had obviously been thrown together

Pauly Shore is an actual person?!!!! I thought Futurerama made him up.