
I don't think South Park is great TV, but it was fascinating to see how the show set itself up to fail and then failed this season.

Good point, even though Suicide Squad was the worse film in my book (and I don't say that as a compliment to BvS) it did seem to work for it's audience of goth-lite teenagers. I can't imagine that BvS worked for anyone.

Yeah they're almost too good at making the McPoyles viscerally disgusting, it's hard for me to buy him as a nice guy

Dope was great. Wish it got more hype.

I loved the "would that it were so simple" scene and it instantly entered the Coens cannon for me. I think the movie is overall terrific, and "No Dames" is great, but something about how small and yet how straight-up funny that scene is, it was the comedic highlight of the film for me.

Agreed, the first 2/3-ish of Don't Breathe were great, but then it got way too disgusting and also the blind man's semi-supernatural blind powers just spiraled out of control.

Tbh the tantrum made me "get" her more. Before she looked kind of cool and reserved but that made it clear just how stressed out she was and just how hard she was working to do so well. Which I think is kind of a great lesson even if most people are going to miss it in favor of "snake emoji snake emoji snake emoji."

It's kind of interesting because I'm a total Katya fan and I think the way the show was rigged for Alaska actually let Katya make it to the final 3. It's hard to argue it wasn't heavily bent towards comedy queens, and there wasn't even a single design challenge for look girls like Roxxxy and Phi Phi. I also think the

She's definitely at least a bit smart and not just in an EQ way. She totally "got" what Phi Phi was doing (sabotaging herself with her inner saboteur) better I think than even Phi Phi did.

My friends think I came up with "That was a choice." Tati's Secret

Also the good Daily Show interviews usually had a clear agenda with relevant experts being interviewed. The few times Wilmore did that (i.e. the Baltimore gang discussion), it went much better than his average panel. Although personally I only found Colbert ever found a good "funny/interrogative" balance.

The Food Desert guy was wildly under-used, can't even remember his name unfortunately but I really enjoyed him whenever he had a bit. Loved his beleaguered Hillary staffer character.

It's funny because I just agreed with the opposite thing up thread but I think this is a great point too. Wilmore was too slow to course-correct in terms of comedy but yes. Wilmore was thoughtful about his politics in a way that was rewarding to watch. Unfortunately a lot of the time his panel — including show

I think that's probably the best analysis of the show. Wilmore is witty and intelligent and I thoroughly enjoyed watching him and like 75% of the correspondents (which is pretty good for this type of show), but so many of his central ideas that he kept returning to were just not strong enough. (I don't know how much

Yeah, not only would that not make sense, that would be pretty insulting to people who suffer from PTSD (which does not actually eliminate your empathy or give you Anti-Social Personality Disorder).

Exactly. It doesn't matter that Bayley was a "good guy," Poussey DIED, there is no reversing his actions. Yes, he's horrified by that, but that also doesn't absolve him. I'm like, genuinely shocked at how many people (not just the author, at all) seem to think "Bayley is not a complete, cartoonish asshole" = "Bayley

Probably for adults, toys are a big nerd collector item. But then, I don't think Target sells those fancy nerd figurines… so I dunno.

It's very weird to compare this show to the Bachelor/ette. Maybe one exciting thing will happen in two hours of the Bachelor, and even then the "drama" is usually a very minor fight blown out of proportion with sound cues.

I think it was pretty evident by her line that COs are all pieces of shit that she doesn't reflect too fondly on Bennett.

Oh, good call.