
(they're actually good)

The Republicans control all three branches of the federal government, 32 state legislatures (versus 12 dem legislatures) and 33 governors. They are exactly one legislature away from being able to unilaterally be able to pass constitutional amendments. I don't care the Boehner's sad about it.

Yes they fucking will, and you've got to kneecap Trump wherever possible. It's insane that you think being fair to a fascist is going to convince him to be nice to you. I've seen this attitude out there, and I want it purged as far out of the Democratic party as possible. The Trump administration is going to hurt and

Actually, purity tests are good.

"Superpredator" is a racist term, because the kids locked up due to that legislation were massively, massively disproportionately black. She apologized for using that term, so Clinton knows it was bad.

because she called black youth superpredators

personally,,, i think dick cheney is a misunderstood innocent soul. i'm sure he's anti-trump as well, he can be on bill maher as a symbol of ~~the resistance~~

ah yes appealing to moderate republicans worked great for hillary

the only way forward is to forgive war criminals who are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, imo

where is cumtown

Depends on what you're in it for. For meat-and-vegetables politics, the election post-mortem is great, they just did a great interview with Adam Curtis like last week. For comedy, episode 3 on Ross Douthat is great, and seek out the James Adomian episode (46).

i've literally never heard the slogan "Stronger Together"

I actually like Hamilton pretty well, but it's a lie to say that LMM doesn't lionize the founding fathers. Hamilton is portrayed with the exact same flaws that every other Great Man of History is portrayed with – he works too hard, cares too much, and is shitty to his family. Every biopic about a historical character

or that the "mainstream"'s first impulse is always to kick the left and move right under the guise of compromise

It's not really a *news source*, it basically requires you to be well-read for the jokes to make sense. It's pretty much hard-targeted to a certain type of disaffected but politically active left-wing person.

I'd be cool with a prequel series set in Robert's Rebellion, just because I don't think many show-only watchers got the significance of R+L=J. Giving a bit of background there could improve the main series.

Chapo rules. Much better than this milquetoast Hamilton/Samantha Bee stuff.

You missed the best tweet. Someone said "Oh, this is just a marketing ploy for when the A's announce Smash Mouth Fireworks Night".

Okay, I usually agree with the "fan theories being dumb" thing, but there's, uh, one character in particular that's being pretty heavily foreshadowed as being a host.

he's a glib, self-righteous racist