
This seems to be for people who have Touch ID turned on, but want to avoid being forced to open up their phone in the event of an arrest. Making it extremely quick to turn off Touch ID and accessible from the lock screen is important in those cases.

If I remember correctly, they can't force you to edit your settings or input your passcode, but they can force you to use your fingerprint.

I think it means that you HAVE to input the passcode if you do that — which means that the authorities can't force you to unlock the phone.

could you be even more incompetent at damage control

It's intentionally designed to prevent conversations from happening in the comments — see here, it's genuinely impossible to follow: http://imgur.com/mSZA9WU

that's so fucking depressing

yup, they said 2-3 weeks yesterday

christ, this whole exercise is just so insulting. they know they're not going to do anything to make it more usable, because kinja was specifically designed to keep communities like this from emerging. so they just bring in the tech dudes to lie about it

they don't care — obviously there's some cash to be saved via corporate synergy, and I understand that. Commenters are a very small portion of the pageviews.

it was maybe the hardest they've ever bullied adam and it ruled

chapo and cum town, the two essential parts of any media diet

They originally had the [REDACTED], but with Martha as the header photo, and tweeted it out, spoiling a whole bunch of people.

actually, the four easiest jobs in america are nurses, special ed teachers, troops, and small business owners. hardest jobs are blogging, podcasting, and being a comedian.

i've got a really original idea for a sitcom: struggling comedians live in an apartment in New York City while pursuing their Comedy Dreams!

Eh. If your political strategy is to raise the profile of someone and let them gain massive mainstream approval, hoping that a miracle video comes out that has him saying the one thing that is still universally condemned, you're not going to win many fights.

I loved when Alt-POTUS staff said that "there's no way flynn leaves" three hours before flynn resigned.

See, I don't think "good, dumb fun" is a good description either. That's like, a comic book movie or something. Scarface is much cleverer than that, the choices de Palma makes are well-considered while still being totally left-field, the sense of humor is fantastic and pitch-dark, and the aesthetics are some of my

no one who has actually seen it treats it like a "masterpiece of the crime genre". Film People do try to treat it like it's part of the same genre as, like, the Godfather to try to denigrate it by the comparison. But it's a super dumb comparison, even if it deals with the same subject matter.

Meanwhile, I'm mystified by the lack of respect it gets from Serious Film People. It's ridiculously fun, it's weird as hell, the stylishness is so strong. It's a legitimately great film.

your slander against scarface, one of the best films ever made, is not appreciated