
this is a weird-ass thing to read into it

I definitely think the whiteness of the wedding was on purpose.

You're allowed to like what you like! But IPAs are almost always my go-to when I'm in doubt. I've never had a legitimately bad IPA, so if I'm in a new region I almost always have an IPA first. And, personally, I really hate dark sweet beers, like Imperial Stouts and certain porters.

I go to school in Vermont, and I've definitely learned the Heady Topper shipping schedule by heart. Absolutely my favorite beer.

This is a good companion piece to the New York Times's "Why Paying $2500 for Hamilton Tickets Is Actually Good" piece that came out today.

this feature rules

I'm not excited at that prospect, but at the same time, the clubhouse dynamics when two players are in a romantic relationship would be an interesting thing to explore

personally, I can't watch any media that isn't perfectly realistic. Mr. Robot? split personalities don't work that way, idiots. Lost? smh, no one would survive that plane crash. Friends? no way they could afford that apartment, it's bullshit. Luke Cage? uh, excuse me, idiots, but PEOPLE AREN'T BULLETPROOF

I loved the Elektra arc and the Punisher arc, but the last third of the season just fell on its face. Really, REALLY bad once the ninjas got involved.

you're a fucking comedic genius dude

"that essentially comes across as her wanting to be the subject of attention"

If you like Hannibal's nightmare world, you'll like Mr. Robot season 2. It's gone very far in that direction.

They're good! They're also very inside jokey and pretty much aimed at Leftist Twitter specifically, so, it can be very niche. It's by far my favorite podcast right now, though.

Did you listen to one of the early episodes? After the podcast started to catch on, the sound vastly improved.

I'm really not sure what you mean – did you say that he's not critical of his characters? because Mistress America is fiercely critical of basically everyone involved. Frances Ha is much, much more sympathetic, but there's a lot of criticism there as well – Frances constantly fucks up everything, and the movie is very

Mistress America is actually a perfect comedy. Such a great movie.

Man, I really love Worst Behavior. Great song, even if I don't buy it much as something actually threatening.

Wow, the Pendragon series of young adult novels I read when I was nine has literally the exact same plot in the third-ish book. The protagonist actually fires a rocket at the Hindenburg because it's carrying a bunch of Nazi gold used to buy US nuclear secrets. It was certainly ballsy for a series of pretty marginal YA

I don't think it actually ever says why Hodor Hodors. He was a stableboy, so the kicked by a horse thing makes sense, but the books don't even say that there was a time when Hodor was normal.

Rap Critic is just unbearable. One of the most frustrating and straight-up bad critics I've ever read/watched.