
yeah the three-eyed raven stuff is kinda disappointing. But i suppose you're not going to get Max von Sydow if you're going to cover him up with makeup. Could've at least used an eyepatch.

>Roose dying
I mean, that's a fine opinion. It worked for me, it fit with the characters, and it seemed pretty feasible. But I could see someone thinking that it was a little sudden and not built up enough.

I enjoyed the fact that the Tyrion dragon scene was specifically structured to make bookreaders nervous as hell. That's some top-level trolling from D&D.

Roose is totally getting resurrected, man. He's probably Azor Ahai, tbh.

My favorite part of the resurrection: seeing the haircut Melisandre gives him, and remembering that Kit Harrington used the fact that he got a haircut as evidence that he doesn't come back in Season 6.

This was probably the best episode since Season 4, tbh.

oh fuck you're right the depth of the snow has to be adequately explained this show is really trash

he was one of the ones that went to the dissolve and came back

Dowd's great! D'Angelo's pretty good!

the holly hunter impersonations were just incredible. WHM is so great.

Fair. I feel bad about ranking 808s in the bottom 3 – I really love that album – but his body of work is so strong I can't really avoid it.

It's a good album! there are just more tracks on it I straight up don't like than any other Kanye album – I actively dislike Big Brother, Barry Bonds, Drunk and Hot Girls, and Homecoming. But there are definitely some classic-ass tracks on there.

Yeah, I liked Yeezus a fair amount, but TLOP is definitely better – a solidly mid-tier Kanye album. And a mid-tier Kanye album is fucking excellent.

I really love the first couple of Elektra episodes. Like, A-range for me. The last arc is pretty weak, though (so many fucking disposable ninjas). It's 2/3rds of a really, really excellent season.


every time matt is on screen and wearing a shirt, the show should lose a half-grade

AGREED. Not to take anything away from TPAB, which was my #2 album of the year and a spectacular achievement. But man, I just enjoy Summertime '06 so much.

hot take incoming

It makes sense – the fashion world's been using this intentionally shitty graphic design aesthetic for years, and Kanye's been super into the fashion world lately.

See, I didn't see the satire/bait and switch. Between the music, the choreography, and the way it was shot, I thought the film was really taking a lot of joy in the violence. and