
Nope! I found his scene heartbreaking. When he talked about how one sentence, like "I love you," can change your whole life, he was talking about himself and Agnes, right? I'm not completely sure how his sojourn in the Framework works—he got to keep his memories of the real world, unlike the others—but if Aida did fix

"I would now like to complain about the color palette of this episode."

I was sitting here chuckling over the Galavant reference when it occurred to me how similar Madalena and Aida really are. I mean, think about it: Richard made Madalena his queen, Radcliffe just made Aida. Both women were intended to be arm candy and passive companions, but the men in their lives massively

For all Aida's claims that she just fixed each person's one regret and is now letting things follow their natural course, she doesn't seem to follow that rule where Fitz is involved; I think she genuinely has robot feelings for him and will now do anything to keep him under her control, which, as you pointed out,

I'm surprised that more people haven't mentioned the rather on-the-nose religious symbolism at the end—I mean, I liked it, but it was pretty darned heavy-handed. They've been beating us over the head with the Hive is Satan argument for a while, and then it turns out that his counterpart is Lincoln, who dies to save

I'm with you on the May thing; she's got this bee in her bonnet about Hunter that I think is totally unwarranted. She claims he's only there for Bobbi, but didn't she watch the episode where Hunter signed up for SHIELD on that napkin in that bar? Nothing to do with Bobbi. And her claim that he puts emotions over

I wanted so much to like Winn when this show started (I mean, have you heard Jeremy Jordan sing?). The trouble is, if I knew for sure that the writers knew he's kind of sucky, I might get on board with the notion that his treatment of Kara is a sign he's got a darkness in him and is going end up a villain. But I don't

Yeah, I think it's an odd criticism to aim at Hunter and no one else on the show. How many decisions have been made by SHIELD agents solely because of their love of Daisy or their hatred for Ward? Or, in this most recent episode, May's complicated feelings for Andrew?

I'm joining you on Team Hunter. I saw that moment where he shot Ward as him weighing the options and realizing Andrew is probably dead either way, and this way maybe they stop Ward from killing more people. Bobbi made a similar call last season—she turned over the safe house information to get inside Hydra, even

I took it as sort of a morbid joke? Anyone else read the scene that way?

Definitely; for a plot point that major, I don't think they'd just fail to mention that Jemma had been hunted by the creature more times than we saw. Not to mention that Will kept warning her off the place and got upset when she went there, and when he came back from the no-fly zone with the wine bottle from Old Timey

But she also spent her first little while alone on the planet talking to herself about the date she was going to have with Fitz, what would they talk about, would he pull out her chair for her, and she seemed pretty excited about the whole thing. And then when she'd talk about him to Will she'd get these giggly little

"If you want a picture of the future of Agents of SHIELD, imagine a
writer's boot stamping on Fitz's face — forever." - George Orwell, if he were a fan

I will miss your updates! They are seriously the main reason I read this review (because you know my reason is certainly not listening to the reviewer complain yet again about the color palette of the show). Thank you for your dedication to our dear Fitz.

I like his new look, but I miss his cardigans. I hope they come back. Maybe he'll want them when winter hits? Gets kind of cold down in the secret base?

Ha, me too—as Fitz was screaming at the monolith, my first thought was "That Fitz Update commenter is going to be STOKED." And I was stoked too. I don't know if they are giving him better material to work with, or he's genuinely just way better, but Iain acts circles around everyone else on this show.

I had the same thought! If I recall correctly, that was the first time that someone had really been alone with the thing for a long period of time, and I got the vibe that it had just been waiting to pounce. Or at least that's what I tell myself because if it is Fitz's fault he will never forgive himself and then I'll

Ditto! But I'm over 33. We only need one Krycek, thank you very much. Let Ward pop up and be sinister and/or helpful every so often, but cut this whole "Help Kara find herself or maybe manipulate her into being a killing machine, I'm honestly not sure at this point" story line.

During that scene with the three of them, I thought to myself, "What if everyone who went to Afterlife just died in the battle there and this turned into a show about Coulson, Hunter and Fitz doing freelance spy work, or maybe going into the private sector to become PI's and hang out in Mexican beach bars?" The answer

Preach. Every time May gets all angry and wounded about that, I want to smack her. May was spying and reporting on him and had assembled a team specially designed to kill him if necessary. Coulson was seeing a SHIELD-approved therapist who happens to be her ex-husband. I get that this is weird for her, but it is not