
Another vote for Fitz being the best character on this show. I wish I had something useful to add to this comment. Umm . . . sandwich! Yep, that's it, that's all I've got.

The killing of Bakshi, and the attempted killing of Ward, were both very off-putting to me, because neither was a threat to Simmons just then. You know, Ward's killed a lot of people, but 95% of the time it's in a combat situation and they're standing in the way of his objective. I'm not saying that makes it good, but

Seriously, (trying to) stab a team member in the back mid-mission? Kind of messed up. I understand why she'd want to, but seriously. As much as she keeps claiming she was seizing an opportunity to do the right thing, turning on an ally who is in the process of helping you rescue a friend isn't exactly taking the high

If I recall correctly, she had her hand on his shoulder just before he blew the window out of the pod they were in. That would make it one of his last memories before his brain damage occurred.

Thanks for the heads-up on the Twitter thing—I can now successfully visualize a red-headed Korean. Speaking of, I'm fully expecting "red-headed Koreans" to become a rallying cry for Henry/Eliza shippers everywhere. Of which I am definitely one.

Good point. Watching him hold one-sided conversations and pat himself on the shoulder wouldn't really inspire confidence.

I think Fitz might be better off than everyone thinks; every time he struggled, his hallucinatory bff came up with the answers. So the information is in there somewhere, he's just having trouble accessing it. Or at least that's what I tell myself in order to feel better about poor Fitz.