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    She's somehow manipulating the Doc, fan-fiction style. Which might be cool, but MOffat's gonna go full misogynist like he did with the fan-girl in the first episode of Sherlock s3


    Because Tumblr, as a brand, is emblematic of that kind of fan?


    Moffat does not like a certain cross-section of the fandom. Tumblr's kind of the standard bearer for this. Think shippers. Cosplayers. Etc. Tumblr's the best and easiest place to share all that, and that's cool. Fan-shit has provided a foundation for the show. A lot of fan-shit from the eighties wound up providing the

    Buuuut it's not saying anything new? We know the doctor can and has been afraid. We've talked about childhood fears at length, and on and on.

    No, I hate Tumblr fans too. I'm mad because Moffat is pretty creatively bankrupt.



    For… what reason?

    So… You just want different flavors of vanilla, forever, even though this is a show that's known for doing the coolest, strangest things?




    The Vashta Nerrada literally are an invisible darkness until they strike. The Silence are unknowable shadows who you can only perceive through small changes in the environment. The angels, as originally conceived, are totally benign within your awareness and act as the others when you aren't looking.




