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    I seriously cannot actually reply to you, but I can't not reply. Like I said: I'm compelled to. I'm off my medication. This is not a conversation I can have without things going very sour, but I can't stop refreshing and seeing my notifications.

    I'm off my meds so I really can't reply to the substance of your question without it possibly going really sour.

    I'm pretty sure I got them all.

    I deleted anything that looked spoiler-ish. I think I got them all.

    Dude, Mindy Kaling's entire career stems from her ability to convincingly portray a bro in an absurdist stage comedy. Bro is essentially just another word in the post-modernist language soup.

    Bro, like dude, can apply to anyone.

    I'd kind of rather you were angry since I'm incredibly embarassed that I didn't punch out way earlier.


    The juxtaposition of the whole bro thing with references and puns is supposed to be an ironic deflation of it.

    Napoleon and Josephine, duder.

    Would you prefer nabrolean? Would you rather be his brosephine? Because I have so many fucking dated puns.

    Sure thing, Broseph

    No, but normally I'd be able to not reply to literally every disquis notification that pops up, and my dickishness would be more under control. As it is I just can't not post a reply.

    Yeah. I'm normally on Lorazepam and without it I kinda get caught up in this dickish, obsessive cycles of behavour.


    Eh. She cosplays as eleven, talks like a fan (the comments about his accent, etc) and so on?

    No, it's more the cosplay, the references to shipping, etc.



    Oh, not this episode.