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    So… what? You think every episode of a semi-serial show during a creative period where its staff is known for continuity references should be seen in a vacuum? I mean help me out here.



    It's kind of the opposite of that? The Comic Book Guy quote is about spergy continuity. I'm more talking about recurring imagery, thematics, and ideas. You know, which actually matters.





    Seriously? An A? This was a terrible episode. Structurally it's a mess, it continually undercuts itself on multiple levels, The Doctor's role makes no sense because he's continually making the argument fore and against the nonexistent monster, and the nonexistent monster makes no sense because we've seen a half dozen

    Who owns what when it comes to Marvel film rights is a mess. You can make an argument that they might be attached to X-men, they might be attached to The Fantastic Four/Silver Surfer, or they might be part of the package Marvel still owns.

    Basically he was on shitloads of Drugs in Days of Future Past. Space drugs. There's a line or two about how they weakened his powers.

    I thought he was gratuitous.

    Normal Heart was very, very bad despite the win. Murphy does not have a great track record.

    Sinister might be dumb as fuck, but it's totally worth it for the scene in Ultimate X Men where he throws Xavier down the stairs. That shit was hilarious.