
This is a late response, but I think each season the producers pick a couple of contestants that they think might be early departures. Can't have everyone be hardcore and there has to be room for some Monday morning quarterbacking.

certainly not in a primary.

"Black guys drive like this and white guys drive like this"

Which is ironic because all Trump and his supporters have been doing since the election is whine about Americans.

Why are teh Nazi's portrayed as the bad guys? Hollywood is so lefty it's not even funny anymore. A white man can't get a fair shake these days.

Capitalists want all the money. UBI is something that will never happen.

Every single decision is made to annoy liberals. It's a right wing troll's wet dream.

I think a lot of that is sold in bars to people trying to get blackout drunk on a Friday or Saturday night. You can't pound pints of Sierra Nevada Bigfoot grinding to Miguel like you can with a skinny cans of Mich Ultra.

And some even turn out to be pretty decent parents.

I switched to Sling Blue and Orange as well for both Fox and ESPN networks. I only need the ESPN networks for the five months of college basketball, so I'll cancel that package the rest of the time like I do with HBO when GoT/Silicon Valley isn't on.

My wife and I both think that this has Broadway written all over it down the line.

They say that the best defense is a good offense.


Neither am I, but the her new album is pretty good as far as my opinion of Lady Gaga albums goes, I guess.

or at least give him a hair cut like Samson.

Yeah, there has never been any greater story arc percolating in the background. No mystery.

This is the greatest half hour on television.

I wonder if he's a pain in the ass on set if he's not in charge.

If Jack Stone was part of the legal team that netted a pretty high profile murder suspect hung jury and ultimately, and acquittal, wouldn't be in line for more high profile work than going back to his old shenanigans?

Also: the final scene was just glorious. The cat at the end made me smile.