
Also around the same time that Jim Crow laws were instutionalized and legitimzed.

Nostalgic for a site started in 2013?

Ok then … *slowly backs out of thread*

There was one woman in Indiana who voted for Trump and her husband was then deported last month.

The GOP scared a bunch of voters into thinking that there were death panels in the ACA. And after thinking about it for a bit, Ryan thought it was actually a pretty good idea but difficult and expensive to implement. So he just made into a routine credit check.

Ha ha, the GOP nominated the most toxic guy that they had in Trump, there's no way he's getting elected president!

Not an ideal outcome. There is a non-zero chance that this steaming pile of shit is approved by the senate through reconciliation.

I loved Martha during her season. I called her a ninja because she'd be kind of giggly and demure, "oh I don't know what I'm doing" and shyly look around. Then, bam, top 3 or star baker or, "that's best thing I've had this weekend"

This, of course, will be the very best Easter Egg Roll.

I used to work at a Pizza Hut back in the early 90s for a few months. I was the prep guy so I made the dough. It was not frozen. I had a big ass hobart mixer in the back and 55lb sacks of "pizza hut" flour. Added water and yeast and proofed that shit. The personal pan pizzas started as frozen dough discs, though.

What … IS … the magic word, Mr. Venkman?

I'm glad Keaton is getting a bit of a career reboot since Birdman. I've always enjoyed his work.

I'm a heathen; I sauté finely sliced Brussels sprouts with the pork, onion, and garlic.

And this "He’s a America’s biggest dummy." is still here 12 hours later …

It has a nice sign.

Read about the looming carbon bubble and think about how Russia is the only country that is utterly reliant on oil and gas exports for its economy and also has nukes.

And somehow Trump represents the non-elite …

I only have an apple TV so I subscribe basically for Elementary (to watch on demand) and now this. The Good Wife was my wife's show, but I watched enough for it to draw me in and I like the TGF so far.

She's nowhere near as bad on Colony.

Digging the RTJ track in the background.