
Same here. I played the hell out of vanilla WOW, leveled three characters to 60 and made it through BWL a few times before TBC blew up our guild. After that, I lost a lot of interest mainly because I felt that everything that I had worked so many hours for suddenly lost all value. I managed to ebay my characters for

Yep, that's the feeling I'm getting.

Musicians have historically been poor and destitute unless handsomely rewarded for their talent by wealthy benefactors.

What exactly is fair pay and who decides what that is? I'm going to congress and demanding that my company gives me fair pay (I.e. Dump trucks full of money at my house daily).

It seemed to me like it was an elaborate prank on the devoted fans by the Carter, Duchovny, and Anderson. "Maybe now they'll stop fucking asking us to make more of these …"

I thought it was awful.

He also plays a new age kook on one season of the brit show Stella.

It looks like the only prerequisite to performing at the gathering is to slather on black and white face paint.

At some point in the 90s, all metal bands morphed into screaming into the mic in a low guttural growl. It's fucking terrible.

It's genetic!

I have a hard time reconciling how 40 years ago, all television was paid for by watching some ads during the story. Now, you have subscribe to a middle man, pay for the channel, AND watch the ads, but if you do that over the internet, it's the worst thing in the world.

About 15 years ago, I lost my wallet. I cancelled my cards, picked up replacements, etc. I was stateside on leave from the military and I went back and spent the next two years overseas. Flash forward three years and I was getting out of the military. I turned in my gov't amex and went to get a new CC. Denied. I

Or live in a backwater … *wipes away single tear*

The only TV superhero show I've watched was Agent Carter. I thought Agents of Shield was horrid through the first 2-3 episodes that I've never given it a second look. The others, meh - no significant reason to watch.

Man, that walk down the hallway … I knew she was dead when I saw the bucket and mop in the corner of the hallway when they came out of the stairwell.

I wonder how many Bothans die in this.

She's easy on the eyes, too.

Well its worse now that stores/designers are naming their different fits with abstractions (the Glengarry fit, the uptown fit, the royal fit, the ascot fit, etc.) that don't mean shit.

My perception was shattered at a tender young age. Drift back to 1989 when Metallica, a band that sold a million records without radio play, melted faces with a live performance of One and then lost the newly minted grammy for best hardrock performance to an album released two years previous by band that featured a

It wasn't even that they whining about piracy, they were whining about people streaming songs legitimately. Fuck them.