
Hey there.

Sausage is tricky at room temperature (or anything greater than 40F really). Katsuji was the only smart one who used the liquid nitrogen to chill everything down. The reason a lot of the sausage was smearing was because the meat (and the grinder parts) weren't chilled.

But damn, he knew it was ballsy. He said if I'm making a carrot soup for Tom Colicchio on Top Chef this late in the game it has to be the best carrot soup he's ever had.

Sure there's the Belgariad, Sword of Shannara, Dragonlance Chronicles, Discworld, etc.

Fight denture and coffin nail, you mean. The guy is 90.

Chalupa Batman

They're also taking twitter advertising to the next level (or a previously used level, it's new to me). I've noticed that Grant Imahara (formerly of Mythbusters) shills for McDonald's now.

I wish vimeo videos didn't stutter for me.

At the Ronkonkoma Holiday Inn, they have a helluva karoke night. It's really impressive.

Yeah … I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to stay with this show. Though I've made it this far.

Based on how it easy it is for them to bash open zombie heads,a tent pole (it's collapsible for easy carrying) should be adequate for stabbing from a distance.

Gas/fuel does start to "go bad", but in a screws up your engine sense. It still burns just fine. You're just not going to get great mileage and the engine won't last 150k miles.

Yes. The only slightly common foodborne illness that can't be prevented by thorough cooking is botulism - which is a toxin generated by bacteria under certain conditions. Cooking kills the bacteria, but if they have already generated sufficient toxin, sucks to be you.

I saw Saw in the theaters because I was dating a wacky woman at the time. Horror/snuff films don't do much for me. In the row in front of us was a woman with her 5-8 year old son. By now, I'm sure he's in prison.

Or just skip it altogether and make a tasty stout.

That's the NY side. The Canadian side is like Disneyland. The US side has a native american casino and a whole lot of derelict buildings.

Pretty sure Kelce is doing a Ric Flair strut.

I enjoy the show in a off-handed way. I don't expect much and it's neat, tidy, and relatively well done. Didn't care for Fishburne, but Danson is decent enough.

Same here … It's a testament to how well the film is made that you can jump right into the middle of it and be captivated by the drama and suss out what's happening.

Yeah that's the scene I was thinking of … my wife was disgusted. Then he asked her sit in the captains chair behind him and wrap her legs around "daddy".