
Sinbad is his prison nickname.

I thought it was pretty clearly about how Andrea's murder made headlines because she was a pretty white girl in a nice area of NYC.

Yeah, sadly I think you're correct on that last part.

The stepdad did it.

You know I really haven't given that question enough thought.

I think this show would have shown it for sure if he was.

Yeah that bothered me too.

This episode pretty much settles it, I'm going to try to avoid getting thrown in prison.

Eh, I haven't seen Tarantino's name on the credits anywhere.

I loved the cab subplot, and I thought it was a great example of how a way the legal system works against certain people that you wouldn't necessarily think just from reading the news.

I think this show is a lot like S1 True Detective, in that the details of the case are secondary to exploring that characters and what the murder does to their lives. That won't work for everybody but I've loved it so far.

I started freaking out when he mentioned "allergies," thinking it was going to one of those flash realization moments. Eh, getting more of Michael K. Williams was a good substitute.

I think that's because Sony are complete morons. I'm fairly confident there would have been an audience for a Raimi/Maguire Spiderman 4.


I never really got over my Kerouac phase, so I've given far too much thought to what would have been the perfect adaptation of On The Road. So here's my fantasy version, made in the mid 1970s:


I'd go with early 90s Ethan Hawke. As is often the case, biopic me is much more handsome than real life me.

I'm really relieved to see there is at least one person on the internet who agrees with me on that.

Ahh, I see you read the Ghostbusters newswires.

You must be very difficult to please if you find Nolan's Batman movies or Inception joyless.