
It's his cold, dead, lizard eyes

Well if one was to be true to consistent development of plots instead of silly deus ex machina moments - that is exactly how it would happen.

Are you trying to tell me they shot the black man in the head, but the white man in the shoulder? Given that Dominic is black and it was night, wouldn't it have made more sense for the reverse to happen? sighhhh

Don't you think that now Samaritan understands "the location" of its opponent that it would take steps to ensure such "locations" are no longer possible?

"If you knew" is the salient point. How would a perspective employer know? And what if the service she sold was to do exactly that?

Ahh interesting. I didn't know the show runners said this.
Benign AI I could see, if it was the Machine rather than Samaritan in its current form, doing the guiding. Samaritan reminds me of those Dune books as a precursor to the AI of the Butlerian Jihad.

You almost got that right
Greer Jr.

I disagree. Like Elias he showed he could adapt to situations and develop strategies to help him come out on top. He also showed a viciousness and hubris that was his downfall. But so was it Elias' as well. And yes, Elias better be dead.

I agree with you. I suspect she has either been conditioned or has a chip implanted.

They do not have the resources to save the world. They saw this coming years ago and were ineffectual at doing anything about it when Harold had his billions. Why should they be able to do anything now, without any resources?

I could be… so you better watch out….

LOL. I would like to think there could be a happy medium, but I don't see how this could be possible given Samaritan's cold rapacious nature. Every character doesn't need to die…. hmmmmm perhaps that can be the happy medium… All control of lives will have to happen though as Samaritan is all about control.

Most of the fault rests with Harold. But all's good as long as he can hold on to his ideals while the rest of the world burns around him.

That doesn't mean she escaped.

They most certainly can cull thousands of rural people. Who would know besides the people being culled? They have already culled hundreds if not thousands around the country; the stock market crashed and wiped out billions.. is anyone the wiser?

No one said AIs were gods. The only thing in life that is certain is death. Being able to run multiple scenarios and choosing the best course of actions comes very close to certainties though.

She's an entrepreneur. She works for herself selling her skills wherever she sees fit.

shaw did not escape

Of course that's not what's going to happen, but it should. History has never had an artificial intelligence that runs the probabilities and picks the most likely outcome either. That would be the game changer.
It would be highly unlikely for so many people to be effectively hidden from Samaritan.

I hope they do. That would be the logical outcome and for once I would like to see that. None of that stupid Independence Day BS where a virus knocked out a galactic fleet.