
I hope not. Leave Caleb alone. That will just get him killed.

Well they will have to given that they will both now be part of the hive mind.

Harper doesn't need an overarching philosophy - she lives in the moment. That's good enough.
Shaw doesn't have one and she was doing fine.

There is no need for Finch and his numbers. Samaritan is in control.

She will have a chip implanted just like they did to Shaw and will now carry out the dictates of Samaritan. I suspect she will now be the White House liaison as Samaritan moves to take over the world. It will only be a matter of time before the rest of the world begins to realize that there's something amiss. Unlike

Have you watched the Matrix recently? Samaritan is using logic and probabilities to make decisions. Humans are random variables that will need to be culled.

Who wants to hear?

And so was Greer. And so was Shaw

He better be dead.

OF course the sniper was a Samaritan soldier. Those were part of the corrections that Samaritan was making.

Samaritan will kill them all. That after all was the purpose for killing Elias and Dominic.

Still doesn't answer why people start blathering before pulling the trigger. It's a TV and comic staple, I know. But it is damn stupid to me. Pull trigger and then blather all you want after.

Why is it every single person with a gun at Greer's head just start yammering away instead of putting a bullet in his head? From the moment Control started her yammering, I knew that was the end of her.
Machine being no more is a good end. Now Harold can ride off into the sunset; John can lay down his guns and have a

A good grifter is able to talk his or her way out of any situation. I suspect she will have as many strikes as she can talk..

Well let's see now. Your aunt told you that it was a very bad idea being with Juliette… How's that working out for you Nick?

Hell to the YES!

Disagree. The fact that she can navigate both sides and still come out on top shows that she has excellent grifter skills. Skills that will be well needed.
Everyone's favorites, Shaw and Root, were once homicidal maniacs; now everyone worship the ground they walk on. Leave Harper to find her way. The machine obviously

No to killing Harper. Harper plays the hands life has given her very well. I look forward to her becoming a regular.

I do not see this as a weird dystopia. I see this as the natural evolution to things when good men refuse to act due to some idealistic philosophy.

No, I'm good. I want Harold to watch the Machine being destroyed. I want Harold to watch Samaritan controlling the world. I want Harold to watch John and Root being lobotomized. I want Harold to see all of this as Samaritan sings burn, baby burn.