
Shonda has finally gotten some sense and put the show back on firm ground.
Last night's finale was very good TV.
Fitz and Olivia together kissing was excellent TV.
On to season 5!

Fitz and Olivia back together. Thank you sweet black baby jesus.


Ah TVTropes…. Don'tcha just love em….

Whether Greer cares or not, doesn't matter. Blow him away whether he cares or not and be done with it. I now find myself FF through his "logues". Yeah I suppose he will be sticking a round to be the balance for Harold.

John had a gun pointed at him twice, Root at least once, now control. I don't get it. Does he release some sort of pheromone? How does anyone know if it would change anything or not? I seem to recall once that Samaritan kicked something to him for his input.
He and the child are creepy. They both need to be put down.

People who stand around playing the fiddle while Rome burns. It is good to have ideals - but there are also times that you must fight fire with fire. How many more innocent people must Samaritan kill? 1 million? 2? Whole countries? If it weren't for Harold's ideals - Samaritan would not exist and hundreds if not

If he is not dead- then this is racism!

Think of her services: let's consider her hacking abilities for a moment.

All good guesses. I guess we will have to wait and see. If Elias lives I will be very ticked off and I will be crying racism! Someone would have obviously played the race card.

I find it frustrating as the avoidance of making the tough call results in exactly the situation that you want to avoid. Harold doesn't want to kill anyone, and by doing so he has allowed the creation of Samaritan. How many people has Samaritan now killed for no other reason than they have gotten in its way? How many

I believe Samaritan is US based right now, but only a matter of time before it goes global. Once it has put the US in order, it will have a great marketing message to show to the rest of the world's leaders. I suspect France for instance would gladly give it control.

OK. I've never seen this. I need to watch more carefully next season, once she has been de conditioned or have the chip removed from her head.

He was inside the car with no where to move or hide. The sniper had a high powered rifle. If he could shoot him in his shoulder he could damn well shoot him in his head or elsewhere.

i agree with everything you say here. There is no way national rolling black outs should have been so easily accepted.

But still a theory that should be put to the test.

Hear! Hear!

I rarely do that. I go with the canon and logical consistency of the plot and whether a characters actions make sense in light of what we have been shown. I am more vested in the storyline rather than characters.

But if the overriding premise is that Samaritan was making corrections by eliminating all the outliers, then both Elias and Dominic would have to be killed irrespective if one of them was a good enough character or not.

Only because you like Shaw and do not like Dominic, I suspect.