
Make google your friend.

It is called marketing and creating buzz. Everyone does it for their products. Do you really think Oxyclean is the miraculous cleaning agent that the shills claim it to be?

Exactly the reason why he will not win this fight. If it was not Reese and Root doing the inhumane things that need to be done. He would have been six feet under by now.

Those quick one off numbers were still people who Samaritan had killed.

Hmmmm, I don't remember this. I'll defer to your expertise. I do seem to recall Camry Manheim playing the wife to some guy who was having psychotic episodes. I'll have to re watch a couple of episodes. When you mentioned Finch's friend I thought you were talking about his partner who left him his billions. The one who

What dissents are you referring to, that Team Harold would be quashing? Samaritan and the people who support it? If affirmative, I draw your attention to Edmund Burke's quote.

One can certainly choose between feuding states given the reasons for the feud. If one didn't. Hitler and his ilk would still be around today.

This wasn't the second number. Not by a long stretch. There was an episode last year when Samaritan gave out the locations of all the safe houses where people who were in protective custody were hiding. Numbers came fast and furious. Many if not all of the people who were in protective custody were killed. Some of the

And yet here we are today - with Finch's humanity allowing another machine to come into existence that is systematically eliminating all freedoms and killing innocent people and destroying untold number of lives.

This lack of being judge jury and executioner while Samaritan and its goons are, is exactly why Samaritan will and should carry the day when all is said and done.

Samaritan only needs fight a war of attrition. If left to Finch, only he and John would be fighting. A good thing the machine has come to see the folly of such logic.

Finch's friend was never a threat. IRRC he wanted to create a machine in the image of Samaritan. Finch is the one that attempted to give the machine "a caring soul" or perhaps I am remembering this incorrectly.

If Finch was as ruthless as Greer or Control, Samaritan would not now exist.
Who are the computer scientist friend and congressman that you mentioned? There have been so many such characters they are all a blur.

Good question. It's always easy to take the high road when someone does the killing for you.

To me there is nothing more heroic than saving innocents and putting away bad guys. Either putting them away for a long time or permanently on ice. Think of the body count since Samaritan has made its appearance? Everyone is expendable to its machine logic and it will not hesitate to do do what needs to get done as

Finch has always been the point of failure. His lack of being able to make the tough call is why there is a second AI in the first place.

Samaritan has been winning since it made its appearance. It will continue to do so, because it is ruthless and willing to make the tough call. Finch's idealized philosophy will get them all killed and Samaritan will end up running the world.

I disagree, there were hardly any red herrings. From the moment Khan showed up in the boardroom and started to argue his case, it was clear Samaritan was behind it. The show has become predictable in that respect
The show revolves around either something Dominic is doing or something Samaritan is doing

Perhaps the machine wanted the briefcase to drop herself on the moon or Mars.