
Didn't Jake already have an opportunity to put a bullet in his head at the Lake, especially after he told Jake he has no daughter?

Is that the same elite agency that with all its man power and resources could not figure out that Billy Chambers was the spy?

You hit the nail on the head. It is pretty obvious that the character was re written for Tom to be a B613 agent and to simply create an OMG moment. The same thing was done with Mellie's rape.
Basically the writers rewrite characters whenever they feel like, so unlike other shows Scandal has little canon.
I'm waiting

Please, not another B613. I'm not down for that crap.

LOL. I hear that. I have tried to do the same over the years with various scenes and I end up only frustrating myself and asking myself why I am watching this BS. Come next week's episode, we will be asking the same thing on at least one or two new scenes.
I'll reserve a spot for you :-)

Sally has no deniability. She is a steadfast bible thumping homophobe; She met Daniel in college where there were rumors that he was gay; she yet married Daniel and had children from him to provide some "respectibility" for her political career, while he continued to have sex with men.
I do admit Sally getting away

I don't see this as being in the same vein. She could not use the murder; to have done so would have put Mellie, Cyrus and by default Fitz at risk. She needed something that would not create any blow back to anyone else.

And yet you still have not provided any alternatives for any of the actions for which you condemn Fitz.

Why did Verna not simply go to the AG a month after the election or a year after or even two years after?
Notice that she only attempted to tell David Rosen when she was on her death bed in her last few hours of life. She was a murderous coward.
Why try to murder Fitz - a man who was not even aware that a group of

Right because a woman is not a female.

I cannot even say she was a woman scorned in the true sense of the term.
When the character was re written to claim she was raped, and garner sympathy, we were then told she refused to have anything to do with Fitz for 10 years thereafter.( I still don't see how that could be true because they did have two children…

The dying old female who was at the fore front of stealing a national election? The dying old female who put a bullet in his head and when that didn't kill him, attempted to do it again? The dying old female, who when she wasn't dying, had no qualms about living on the proceeds of her crime? That dying old female?

I'm in marketing and anyone in marketing will tell you that you have to listen to the people who are purchasing your products. We marketers spend countless millions of dollars in development of customer insights that attempt to discern why people buy and use products and why they stop buying/watching/using

Perfectly said. I too had stopped watching Scandal for a while; I simply could not take the OMG moments anymore. I also could not take the back and forth between Fitz and Olivia anymore. I only recently returned and started to watch with the episode The Lawn Chair again. I am encouraged that there seems to be a move

From what I can see based on what people say when they the Fitz is weak or despicable comment: Fitz is a despicable human being for 1 simple reason.

Perhaps because it was a very private affair?

well not on this site but there are other boards. It's interesting the shows that this site recaps and the ones they don't

Do you recall that episode the Trial? It was the episode that showed how she and Fitz met. They showed an immediate and instant attraction. It was game over for Fitz.
Just as Fitz is totally in love with her, so is she with him. There was a scene in season 1 or 2 when she was pacing the garden and she told him that

In her mind and some viewers who thinks this hot air bag is the reincarnation of Mother Teresa.

Fitz should have told her to go suck salt. I am sick and tired of Olivia running to Fitz asking for favors when it is convenient for her to do so. Fitz needs to cut her off!