
I do not understand why they had to rescue Cyrus unless it was to get to the message of gay marriage.
Chief of Staffs are replaced often. Cyrus could have been replaced. I do agree that jumping thru hoops to keep him in office was overdone.
Offering Sally the SoS position was not beyond the pale. It was a bribe; you

Mellie for president is stupid. About as stupid as that inane kidnapping plot we just had. We are talking about Scandal though, and inane sometimes carries the day. It could be more than 6 months since Fitz was re elected as it's sometimes hard to figure out Scandal's time lines.
They'll not only fix the votes, but

I can deal with the slow build up after Shonda has decimated the relationship. Once they are back together - there better not be another break up- is all I'm saying!

Total agree with this.

Fitz' pursuit of Olivia indicates to me his feeling alone and worry that no one will ever love him. His father never showed him the kind of love he wanted. Mellie shut off from him for 10 years after her character was rewritten and the claim that she was raped. This was further solidified when she told him love was

You are getting to deep with this comment. You have to remember there are quite a few who watch the show just for the superficial, WTH/ OMG moments.

I like me some Kate Burton. She plays the self righteous parts so very well. That smirk of hers have me in stitches. I wish they had thrown in an out of context bible verse.

How was Olivia going to use Sally killing her husband, knowing that people in the WH covered up his murder? Sally killed her husband when she was the VP. That information could not be used. To do so would have blown back to Fitz even, though Fitz knew nothing about it until Liv told him. Although it was Cyrus and

Book mark the following link:

OH, OK. Well I stand corrected

There is a Grey's Anatomy board for your comments. Can I suggest you exit stage right

Sally is a hoot - I like every episode with her. A shame she didn't accept the Secretary of state position. It would have been hilarious seeing her bombing countries that don't exist.

Because Olivia asked him to do the favor.

I liked this episode.
I liked that Sally returned and she was back to her snarky self righteous self
I liked that she was going to call security to kick Olivia out
I liked that I got to see some background on the ring and the significance of doux bebe (sweet baby). I thought that expression was corny from episode 1. It

You watching the wrong show. Carter was never Reese's captain.
Why wasn't there a relationship? When there was clearly something between them. Something that doesn't exist between he and that silly shrink.

Ohhhh. Well I stand corrected. Thought it aired much earlier

That can't be right.
Carter was in the pilot which was sometime in 2008 or 2009 and IRRC she was killed off in 2013.

God forbid such a relationship be shown on TV, huh

If and when Shaw returns she will have a Samaritan chip implanted in her.

I think she is a plant as well.