
They shouldn't even. Have released the title!

All pop culture could stand to be just a tad more Scottish.

The fact that this was shot on film alone guarantees it's good.


My mom will be so happy that two of the shows she watches got renewed!

I agree, but sweet Christmas Mike Colter is a close second.


I haven't heard a single Christmas song yet this season, and my ears couldn't be happier.

I love that Bitch Planet cover (I do plan in reading this eventually) and hope to catch up with Ms Marvel at some point.

I like Bourdai but he defended Cosby in the Philly episode of The Layover, which made me sad (actually hd referred to him as iconic which is try but for a different reason now than before 2005).

Better yet just use garlic powder.

What is bizarre is that only season 14 of ATK is on Netflix, and no Cook's Country.

I hope it's Bridget. I'm gonna miss their banter.

I love both of those shows (along witg Cook's Country).There are also loads of decent to great cooking videos on YouTube. Food Wishes, Laura Vitale, Sorted, Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay (no, really).

Karen Gillan?

As everyone should.

Breaking Bad.

Master of None
Jessica Jones
Doctor Who (classic and new)
Better Call Saul
Several programs with Anthony Bourdain
A bunch of Good Eats episodes

Exactly. Breaking Bad alone justifies the cost.

It was mostly that she doesn't come off as the nicest person. And I totally will be watching don't trust the b in the near future.