
Well this fucking sucks.

Mary is insufferable.

Isaac is also good in A Most Violent Year.

I know.

Yeah I stopped buying books and cds years ago. So much money saved, and I actually read more and watch more movies and TV because it's free.

I'm gonna get around to watching Fargo (the show), but not after the new seasons of Better Call Saul and The Americans.

It was edible.

The Thin Man movies are so good. William Powell and Myrna Loy are adorable.

Eric Alexander and Freddie Hubbard

I love in a small town and i went to the late show {as I always do, on the rate occasions I movie).

I finally got around to seeing The Force Awakens; its pretty good! Actually the best thing was I had the whole theater to myself. Bliss. I also watched a bunch of stuff I never saw when they were in theaters: mi:5, Mississippi Grind, and Ant Man. I enjoyed all three (dear Hollywood: put Rebecca Ferguson in

I agree. I haven't been doing so well lately and I just turned 40, but I'm trying to be positive and use this year to get back on track. Even writing down my goals for the year (which I never really have done before) is helping. Here's to a great 2016!

He is the new Jar Jar.

This is just so fucking depressing.



I bought Yoda socks.

I love ROTJ, and I actually like the Ewoks; after we saw the movie all my brother and I had to do to crack each other up for the rest of the sunmer was to say to one another doba doba doba.

I want a live action spin off of Jessica Jones starting Trish.

How have I never heard about this show? The subject matter is right up my alley. Abither show to add to the list.