
I used to dislike Krysten Ritter but I've all of a sudden become a fan thanks to Jessica Jones (and, retroactively, Breaking Bad). She's so good with dark material.

Only two episodes in but I'm actually liking it even more than Daredevil, which I loved. Jessica is a great character, Luke is a BMF, and I like the way they're teasing David Tennant's character (hes not my favorite actor/Doctor, but I can stand him in smaller doses).

Excitement level for his show: 11/10.

I'm living this show (even more than Daredevil). Please let there be a Jessica and Madame Gao showdown at some point..

Really looking forward to this (and the duel reviews).

Fortunately there's Better Call Saul.



Bob still terrifies me.

Well it wasnt like they were spending money sending people to the moon….

Stop coming up with original stories and just redo the books. Freshen them up of course, but there's loads to work with there.

You forgot The Americans.

Maybe he's jar jar binks in disguise.

I jumped straight to the comments.

Adding a t but leavinv the bow as is. God I hate typing on a phone.

Bu bow can it be bad when it was shot on film!

I watch it! The 4th season was pretty good, but I hope next season they cut the length of the episodes. There is almost never a reason for a reason for an episode of a TV show to last as long as a movie.

Yeah he should have learned a lesson from that show.

I swear Alicia Vikander has been in every movie released this year. (Not that I'm complaining, she is gorgeous).

Criterion blu-ray Mulholland Drive, why must you come out when I can least afford you?