Helga G. Pataki

Planking it is the new tanking it.

When you're getting with Danny Castellano, five more kids is totally worth it.

I'm starting to think they haven't given Jeremy too many good lines because they know we'll fall head over heels for him, instead of Danny. Joke's on them, I like 'em both!

Have you watched the pilot? I watched the other and am terribly distraught over it and Dave Foley's new show.

Hey now, Sarah Palin has her own digital network. She's much too busy.

The devil made me do it! I was weak! Abortion!


I don't know if this is scary or boring.

I feel like he's going to pull a Brendanawicz and quit. Brendanaquits.

This show left reality during the pilot episode. All that matters is that everything is an obstacle for Fitz and Olivia.

Agreed on everything but Cyrus. I will love Cyrus forever.

Chardee MacDennis? With the Golden Girls? Would watch everyday, all day.

Do not give NBC any ideas about doing reboots. I repeat, DO NOT give NBC any ideas about reboots. If you're not careful you'll have a reboot of the A-Team with Taylor Lautner as B.A. Baracus, or some such nonsense.

A Sally-centric episode would be almost as good as a Mellie-centric episode.

Little Pete as the drummer in the band Maggie Lawson "accidentally" books, in order to set up her sister with the love of her life?

Oh God, you're right. I'm ashamed.

Surely there's something more erotic. Bra sausage? Turkey breast? Lolita (Woody Allen's favorite)? Chub Bologna?

True. I guess I shouldn't have assumed time is a strict progression of cause to effect. I need to look at it from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint.

The two guys who got the playbook? Yeah, they seemed very low-key and unformed as characters - they were basically moving statues for NPH to volley comedy off of. They were serviceable, but not memorable.

Yeah, right, I have a real problem with that.