Helga G. Pataki

I think it was. I don't know. All I know is that Flying Robin is a real thing. I think that's all that really matters (that, and Robin Daggers).

I haven't watched New Girl from Thanksgiving III (winter finale) onwards. Is New Girl in a slump, or do I have good things waiting for me?

Wouldn't it technically be Future Ted's past? Future Ted's present is in the future, isn't it?

I feel like they've finally clued in that Radnor is really good at active angst, when they've been drowning us in passive, mopey angst for years.

I would been okay with that statement, were it not for that last scene with Robin ascending into the air.

Bromon courtship.

I thought I was tired of Barney's bro-legends, but I kinda want to hear about bro hell.

Everyone deserves their own Linus.

Outstanding Supporting Actress?

Would it really retcon it, though? It's easy enough to say that they remain Aunt/Uncle after the divorce.

Especially if Audra McDonald is in every one of them.

The only reason I want Fitz and Olivia together is so that Mellie gets what she needs to run for President. She is the best.

This, plus the fact that the main character on another sitcom of theirs is already a teacher.

THANK YOU! I get that she can date whomever she wants and I have no qualms about there being so many white guys, but there have been ZERO non-white love interests. ZERO. I don't even care if the guy is Indian or another ethnicity, but there's got to be some variation. Same goes for Indian friends- as an

He might as well sit in a corner with a bucket on his head.

Didn't you find the part where they try to find Sugar Ray Leonard weird? As in, he was just trying to show that he was friends with a black person? To top it off, he didn't even know him.

Why is Community pulling a Mindy Project and casting every second white guy and one Indian guy? It's unnerving.

So, Nasim Pedrad is the physical training version of Heshi Al Fahi? I'm cool with that.