
I teach at an Outdoor Science School and a lot of my kids watch it. They're in the 10-12 range though, so I don't really know if those below 10 tend to watch it

A little off topic, isn't it annoying that all our singular pronouns are gendered? It's so unnecessary

Is it really failing if its science fiction though?

Erm, I'm not sure it was explicitly stated…or implied for that matter…

As someone who has ADHD, I can totally see some aspects of it in his personality. While I have the inattentive "girl" type (a quiet, space cadet daydreamer) the impulsive, procrastinating attitude always seemed familiar to me even when the hyperness never did.

What seemed to be the "whites" of its eyes seemed pink to me. I think that was supposed to be its iris

Wait, how do others pronounce Wisconsin?

It was the principle damn it!

You're obviously not an absent-minded person. I've found my phone in my kitchen cupboard before, and I hadn't even realized I lost it! Accidentally putting my pearls in my purse would just be a Tuesday

I ship Cooper and Audrey so hard that I scrolled through 3 month old comments to see if anyone mentioned them

I've noticed a-holes like Louise tend to get along with people like Rudy. It's like we feel we need to protect them from the cruel world while they teach us to be more forgiving of it

But after a while he did it or her!

I get Louise wanting to get out immediately. She's okay with locking herself up in a room if necessary, but someone locking her up against her will? I don't thinks she likes being stripped of her power like that, she needs to feel in control of her own life.
Other than that, I do agree with most of the points made in

I'm still stunned people didn't like astral plane! It is one of my favorite episodes and seems like it should be universally relatable. I'm pretty sure everyone experiences existential ponderings from time to time, Finn's musings felt so calm and familiar and a bit lonely. I'm just surprised it was disliked, I just

Some of my favorite episodes are in S6. Astral Plane, Little Brother, Floaties, Crab Apples, Evergreen and Jake the Brick are all episodes I watch time and time again. It really surprised me to learn so many didn't really like it.

When I was little I loved getting into the ocean(still do) but hated that my father would go in with me. For some reason, I was convinced he would be eaten by a shark or sea monster. I was safe in my mind, he wasn't. I'm doing nothing to alleviate your fears am I? If it makes you feel any better, he hasn't been eaten

I actually really like the ocean and love to swim in it, but damn it is terrifying. I think it's almost a primal fear. We are helpless in water, we can't hold our breaths for long and cannot move naturally in it. If something is coming towards us, like a great white shark or cthulhu, you might as well close your eyes

I'm not sure if mine is because of it, but for some reason I'm afraid of flushing the toilet at night when no one is home or awake. I live in a tiny apartment so the door is right next to the toilet,I literally get out, leave my hand on the handle, close the door as much as possible, flush then run away. Once while

Deer are terrifying! And when they're not they're just assholes.

You are so vulnerable in the ocean too