
Shit, I'm a southerner - this time last year I would have said I was on the fence about moving/removing confederate statues. Charlottesville has given me a dose of clarity on the subject. Pull them all down.

Peaceful white supremacists: The real victims here.

yes, thank you, you said it better than me - in the UK version, we *learned* about these people and their restaurants. It wasn't always flattering but the stories were personal, and Ramsay was trying to help. In the US version, it's all so…cookie cutter. It reminds me of 'Extreme Makeover', where the central problem

My first exposure to Ramsay was through the original channel 4 series, pretty much by accident - Youtube, maybe? All the same, I enjoyed it immensely and marathoned all the available episodes on Amazon. I didn't even know there was a US version at first.
Later on, at a friend's house, we switched channels and there

The scene is darkly lit in Ant-man to reduce the uncanny valley effect - they knew it wasn't quite ready for close-up. If only the Rogue One team recognized that Tarkin wasn't ready either.

Amazon has been sending me the latest episode at 3AM following the air date, for this show and for Archer. That works for me because I work nights, but maybe not for you.

it would certainly be an improvement over the 'Hah, take THAT liberals!' response over every little step that Trump takes without falling on his ass. Who knew the most powerful man in the world would need so much cheerleading?

urgency - exactly. I don't want this to be the ONLY pre-Saul Goodman/Breaking Bad chapter in BCS, only drawn out over several seasons. One more good paradigm shift, with new characters and conflicts, before we see him essentially AS the Saul that Walt and Jesse meet, that's what I'm hoping for. I think I'd feel

I don't find Esposito's aging nearly as distracting as Banks's reduced skin-elasticity and Raymond Cruz's size difference first season (was that due to his role on Major Crimes? Also HOLY COW he's 55). Jeremiah Bitsui looked noticeably older too but that might have been lighting.

So, speculation time: is there a payoff to the Cinnabon storyline? Do we see the scene restored to full color at the end of the series, with Saul resuming his criminal lawyer career in some way? Do we get a LOST style time shift and follow him for a season post-breaking bad? Is it all just there to depress the s***

There's something brittle about his intellect, though - He seems to lack the ability to improvise or even acknowledge that something isn't going to plan. At least post-psychotic break, people around him seem to tread carefully for fear they'll push him over the edge.

I concur - At the end of the 2nd season I really thought we were closing this 'chapter', and we'd start to see new characters and new reasons for Jimmy to become someone else…maybe see the beginning of his practice as SG with all the stumbling blocks that would entail.

I get your point, but I think the reason for the shift from 'mostly pro-jimmy' to 'all pro-jimmy' (aside from the fact that it's his show) is Chuck's unwillingness to engage with his brother in an emotionally honest way. That scene at the end, where his only reaction to Jimmy's anger and pain is a verbal 'gotcha'…I

something I'm confused about, still - and maybe the burner phone conversation is the answer -, clearly Gus (or a Gus employee) chose to warn Mike during last season's finale…so why is he leading Mike on a merry chase now? Did he think the ominous warning and clear sign that he was being watched wouldn't send Mike on

anyone can fly, except when they CAN'T. I get it, market pressure drives efficiency and price drops, but it doesn't necessarily produce a BETTER product, especially when there are time constraints and incomplete information on the part of the customer. What good is it to only pay $78 for a ticket, but risk not even

That's already the case. You think they selected any 1st class passengers to get booted?

I can't defend some of CKs earliest bits, but this current one, I think the important difference is that Chapelle addresses an imaginary monolith - all transgenered, all gays, and makes no effort to dispel generalizations or the idea that they all want the same thing. Louis's special talks about his experience with a

I too was surprised at the number of bits discussed above that included the punchline/twist/etc. There were plenty of additional surprises in the show itself so it's not like AVclub ruined it exactly, but they might want to take more care with quotes.

I completely agree: That opening bit might be the best dead baby joke I've heard ever. It's always a high-wire act when you take on an offensive topic, but he knows exactly how far to go.

Thank you for the correction, I didn't actually know that. But yes, I was reaching for the most common impression we have of him. Truth is I'm having trouble finding the right historical parallel for D.T., especially after today. What in the hell WAS that?