
Indeed. I've stopped making the comparison, not only because people dismiss it and ignore the point, but also because he's NOT Hitler. He's Nero, and right now a lot of people are trying to keep him away from the torches.

hooray! Our collective tantrums rewarded! I'm sure we won't learn the wrong lesson from this experience.

This is your periodic reminder that A. V. Club has more time for Grey's Anatomy, The Batchelor, and Jane the Virgin than it does for The Expanse (and a half-dozen other new hard-ish science fiction shows) . Did the Scifi channel forget to cut Univision a check, or does catering to nerds on the Internet suddenly not

That's a shame. Simplifying the conceit to just the Animus might have allowed for a well-paced action film. Genetic Memory and Ancient conspiracies will be hard enough to smoothly incorporate without adding pre-historical aliens and doomsday scenarios.

The CinemaSins team has a podcast, too - their initial impressions on Suicide Squad were… less than kind.

"AV Club Calls it a 'treasure'!" "Steven Seagal is….unbelievable…in almost every scene"!

”a top 10 ranking among all ad-supported cable networks in its timeslot among most key demos.”
That's a lot of caveats. Perhaps if this show was on a real network, those goalposts would be a little harder to move.

No! I'm sorry I didn't realize this was a new recap/writeup till recently! Can we like, appeal or some shit? Maybe sacrifice a few GJI 'articles'?

"… I have zero idea who or what exactly I’m supposed to be rooting for" -I understand you mean this in terms of motivations and story presentation, but I can't help but read that clause and think: so what? If you want big neon signs pointing to the good guys and bad guys, go watch star wars. Hasn't game of thrones