friendly person

Someone must like "shit" jokes and terrible songs. How is kindergarten going for you? Is your teacher nice?

Mike thought he would be a part of the future he was bringing. He wanted to the old life, just like Ed. Both helped to destroy any chance of having though.

In front of his mother, who he tried to protect and couldn't admit killing Simone to? I doubt that very much. Yes, I do.

Peggy was crazy and selfish. Noreen was dumb, but nice. Floyd couldn't control her family. Simone was driven by her lady parts and desire to find the love of any man.

He isn't good. None of the Gerhardts were. He was more concerned with a proper course of action though. And he cared about his family, especially his son.

"Bob's Burgers" is terrible. Unless there are fewer than 40 shows total, it doesn't deserve to be on any best list.

Ohanzee is a Sioux word meaning "shadow".

My speculation comes from the show. He never told Floyd what happened. He said she had r-u-n-n-o-f-t.

Not really. Simone had to die. She turned on the family for kicks and to get back at Dodd, er, dad.
Family was really important to Bear. Notice how said "brother" instead of "Dodd" when he was looking for him at the motel.

Aside from the terrible penultimate episode, the season was pretty good. All the characters had appropriate endings. Mike was thrust into the future he didn't fully understand. Hanzee kept doing what he was doing. Peg was nuts. Betsy was still dying.
I don't like how Hanzee got there as it really wasted Gerhardt

It happened during a robbery. They stole a snowplow. he was shot. Retired. Opened a diner. Lou recounts the story in the first season.

He would blame Kansas City if and when she was found.

The end felt rushed, but I liked the season. PC Principal is still wrong. He was never vindicated. The show directly attacked PC culture for what it is. He just happened to have the same enemy as the people from South Park. He fought the ads because they didn't fit in with his PC views.

Hanzee doesn't have a real desire to get out of the "life", which is shown as he has many opportunities to just go. This is what makes trying to justify his continued chase of Ed ("Todd") and Peg so unnecessary. Hanzee has never shown any real desire to stop killing so we don't need to be told why he would keep

The terrible character that was Walter White isn't the only reason it was bad. I agree with you there. I think Fargo isn't as bad as Breaking Bad, but it still has another season to get there.

Either way the scene is lazy. No justification of it comes anywhere near good. It is either another sloppy CBros allusion or a distraction to keep the show going for another hour or allowing us to have a hole to shove a UFO in to. The show became bad when it tried to shift the focus to Sioux City. I would have

"Breaking Bad" was about a selfish horrible prick who was always a selfish horrible prick and chose to be a selfish horrible prick. The bad situation that he was found in didn't make him make poor choices, it allowed him to and shit writing forced him to make even stupider choices to keep things rolling along.

Yes, "we" are blameless! "The other" is the problem. They must be culled to make society better!

Liberals tend to claim to be helping others when only thinking about themselves. They engage in slacktivism or "solutions" that do nothing to feel good and/or look good. this is whence comes the criticism. The PC boys weren't good to be good people; they were good so they could crush some pussy.

There's merit in consistency and good writing. Police turning off a radio and police who weren't in that room not having radios (Ben and Hank) isn't good writing. Spacemen appearing just at the right time and saving the day isn't good writing. Police being bought by the rival gang an hour away and the local gang