
*photo of country music festival, meme about all the inbreds not having to call off work because of being on the dole*

Not really. The meat has a weird, dense-ish texture and a sort of generic "wild" flavor. Horrible beasts all around.

I wish I had ridden Shockwave's twin the King Cobra when it still existed at Kings Island. People mostly say they were horrendously uncomfortable but stand up coasters are becoming a rare breed.

It's still there. I remember being super excited for it opening as a kid and all the cool theming stuff just totally blowing me away. Now the hard turns just beat the hell out of me and all the neat Indiana Jones decor has kind of fallen apart.

Those old Arrow looper like Corkscrew started out rough and get rougher as they age. Vortex at Kings Island is the same way.

It's one of my great regrets that Son of Beast came and went during a time that despite living about 10 minutes away, I had stopped going to Kings Island.

Same here! The shit-heap that is "Family Guy" made me turn off the tv and go to bed. I just assumed the Tandy show was on at 9:30.

Me too! I went there tons as a kid and even more as shit-headed teenager. I actually went there earlier this year and most of the new stuff they've added is pretty cool but it's always sad to see things you remember so vividly from childhood taken out (for me the antique cars you drive around the roads with the track

Oh man, that tunneled helix (helices?) on the Beast after the second lift hill is just insane. I think you travel through time in those things. The best rides are summer nights when the woods are dark and the heat has all the wood expanded enough that it ridessuper-smooth.

Oh man, people do the exact same thing in my crummy little campus gym. They are also the people who's workouts take *forever* due to the ridiculous amount of texting/Facebook/ whatever they do between each set.

I've spent a lot of time around grad students (and was one) and I can imagine the only thing more insufferable than a grad student is a philosophy grad student.

I didn't really care for her character until this episode. The "getting the AC unit scene with the fire extinguisher cracked me up. Something about how she did something so practical and reasonable like getting an air conditioner in a heat wave really did it for me

Already not a fan of the Reagan character and that she's a serial ghoster didn't help. However, the Schmidt left out of the loft-wide tree house bit was great! (I thought Nick's board with a nail in it was gonna go in a self-defense/alien invasion route)

Just as long as she's not *shudder* "singing"

Gah! So worked up I lost my phone -typing dexterity.

My Fox affiliate pre-tempted this episode to show a college basketball game. I'm literally angry with rage!

Ah, the old 'John Wayne/Hank Hill meat-belly'

Around here in heroin country, seeing 'medication to relieve your opiate-induced bound-uppedness' seems like the sort of product that would be low in the needs of most users. However, I think the NFL's target demographic the sort of well off enough old white guy/gal whose doctor will continue to prescribe opiates

No, no, this is all true and correct

*deftly avoids vaudeville hook*