
Personal injury lawyers, diabetic test strips, and Medicare scooters from here to the horizon.

Lousy, no-good MLS rules probably don't let you bring field-hucking bananas into the stadium

Hot damn! Welcome back New Girl! It's been done before but man, Nick 's throat slash with not-mom killed me.

Word-hole or word-*hold?*

"Gy-me" is a "nearly replaced" whereas "blurst" is a case of "completely replaced."

In my defense, I did have to go out to the car hole and get my dictionary so I could make sure I was using the correct word.

"Gy-me" is one of those Simpsons words that has almost completely replaced the proper pronunciation in my lexicon.

Late to the partty here. My buddy and I are planning to run a 31 mile run through Philly next December that's based on the route Rocky would have had to run in the training montage in the 2nd movie. I've only ever run a couple half marathons so I'm training to run a marathon in september and hoping building the

What, you don't like when the whole thing springs apart in the most cartoonish way and you lose about half the things you need?

Me too! No more full work weeks until the end of January, actually!