
The amount of sweat and drops my nano has to endure would have killed any smart phone soooooooooo long ago. Damn, I hate this news.

Nah, I have the same problem

Blue Apron has been a good way to try cooking with new ingredients that otherwise I might be intimidated to try based on having "just" a recipe and not wanting to go whole hog with buying a lot of some ingredient I might end up not liking. They're a once a month or so indulgence not just because of the price but also

I took a public administration class in college and on "discussion nights" (it was a 6-8pm class) the prof would bring in a big smorgasbord of Indian foods and it was fantastic. It was a great age to be introduced to it.

"Tasteless, yet picky." Egg-fucking-zactly

Afghamistan knew! We're through the looking glass here, people.

I was teaching climate change today and used a ridiculous Ted Nugent quote about Al Gore's climate ponzi scheme and had to take a minute to reflect to the class that it's a real shame Ted Nugent is such a shitheel because damnit, Stranglehold is wicked.

Spotted Cow is the New Glarus reliably on tap in my west-central WI college town and it's reliably good.

When I was in grad school Genesee was making push into Ohio so the local Kroger had 30 packs of all 4 varieties for $14.99 with a $10 mail in rebate. 360 cans of beer fro 60 bucks! The Cream ale was a big hit and everything else got drank but man, the Ice reeeeaalllllyyyyy hung around the fridge for a while.

I picked up some Big Flats one time when I was traveling, needed a bottle of water, and just couldn't pass up the prospect of a <$3 sixer.

*sadly puts away both pairs of Bengals Zubaz*

Eh, they *are* playing my Bungles.

I forget where I first saw it said but "cuck" used as an insult is really only hurtful to the kind of person who use "cuck" as an insult. It's a circle of very, very pathetic people. The rest of us sort of just look on in a sort of bewildered amusement.

Nah man, I'm in the same boat. This is definitely a "I know this is *supposed* to like, really mean something, maaaaaannnnnnnnnnn" kind of thing but it just isn't done very well.

*strokes beard thoughtfully*

I was mostly surprised at how quickly Shelby went from "massive choppening to the neck/shoulder" to apparently being okay enough to club Matt to death. It made me think the whole thing was some sort of dream sequence/fake-out but the reality-show format doesn't really make that a possibility.

My next thought was Lee. The rest just seem to awful or incompetent to live.

Really thought Matt was gonna be the lone survivor because of his connection to Gaga's "witch." Guess not?

I was pretty sure the Polks were "hired actors playing it up" as part of Sidney's reality show (hence the cameras in their weed operation). The "season up her leg" seemed too over the top to be real until they stabbed Lee. Now…I don't know.

It seemed a little odd that they ended up at a ratty hotel "with only the cash they had" after being ankle-chopped by mama Polk instead of being at a police station all night answering questions or gtting escorted back out to the house to get their things. Also, how the hell long is night in Roanoke where everything