F-U Potsie

The overarching tragedy in this entire series is that Unser never got a chance to tell Gemma that Chucky loved her.

somebody please nudge Sutter and wake him up to remind him that he married Peg Bundy, not Kelly Bundy… call me harsh but she is not the least bit attractive — and I like MILFs/GMILFs (within reason) as much as the next guy — I just don't get it; she's like one rung up from Kathy Bates but then again, even with his

Jax is the Obama of Charming, EO'ing his way around Congress/club meetings-votes.

That game was fixed! They were using a freakin' ladder, for God's sake!

*SPOILER* [for those who may still be NetFlix'ng, streaming, etc.]

right, tussles the hair then inquires which porno slut or junkie he can foist the kid onto.

Yeah he and Dave Navarro should start a band. Call them the Sucky Actors Guild. They just plain sucked. I've seen cameos suck before but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks who ever sucked. Gotta go, my damn wiener kids are listening.

Precisely. This brand of dramatic irony isn't working one bit — why tip your hand on what could have been a HR? Now viewers are left just waiting for the inevitable confrontation, where there's zero mystery or intrigue to any of the events leading up of the revelation.

…which was beyond ham-fistedly derivative… let Fredo rest in peace for crying out loud.

Exactly, Unser knew all kinds of heinous things back when he was Chief and presumably had some latitude to do something about it and never did anything.

I think keeping the run time in check has everything to do with the flow of a good episode.

was wondering that myself though I assume the Daniel Stern shtick has given way to Jax's graveyard scribes, you know, where he's leaning on Opie's headstone.

the look on his face during the scene where hugs up on Gemma post-murder says it all — I have graduated to full chumphood, gonna finally palm me some vulnerable psychotic chick ass.

yes, i was aware that Otto was played by Sutter… pretty sure Logue was introduced during the finale of Season Five.
and yeah, it got hecka violent… Otto biting his own tongue out? that was just F'd up; at least with Opie's demise you knew it was coming and could turn away (which i did) but the tongue thing came out

you're trippin', the Nero/Unser scenes were hilarious.
and i'm insta-muting Segal.

The new recruits are dunderheads for being so enthusiastic — what exactly is the prestige of getting patched into the crew who just got their HQ blown up by the IRA and are now posted up in an ice cream parlor?

[nodding head affirmatively] "…Yeah!"

Sutter dubbing in the beating-off sound was wholly unnecessary. Might be the most disgusting moment in the history of television.

"you don't get it, do you Brandon?"

down-tempo cover of Everyday People — for what seemed like 12 minutes — is what had me questioning how little do i have going on? thick as a brick indeed.