F-U Potsie

at least Dave Navarro and his shitty acting is gone.

I thought for a second he was going to cold-pack Hal Ozsan. Thankfully he just pissed on him.

Agreed. I am hoping Clay doesn't have to get killed off; even in a lame duck capacity he brings so much color to the table; plus his subtleties crack me up… a few episodes back, just as the gun/drug deal was getting underway, Jax and the IRA guy break into their impromptu fist fight; Danny Trejo looks over at Clay

Agreed. I am hoping Clay doesn't have to get killed off; even in a lame duck capacity he brings so much color to the table; plus his subtleties crack me up… a few episodes back, just as the gun/drug deal was getting underway, Jax and the IRA guy break into their impromptu fist fight; Danny Trejo looks over at Clay

as I have gotten caught up I still maintain that Maureen is Jax's biological mother.

as I have gotten caught up I still maintain that Maureen is Jax's biological mother.

the same idiots who entrust Prospects to guard the cartel's 30kg of coke.

the same idiots who entrust Prospects to guard the cartel's 30kg of coke.

baby what's-his-name is the only member of the family who hasn't been kidnapped.

baby what's-his-name is the only member of the family who hasn't been kidnapped.

after Deputy Chief Hale bought the farm a Roosevelt type was sorely needed and I give them credit for not immediately shoe-horning him into the story immediately following Hale's death.

I am known as the pimp with a golden heart, I work with all sundry of high-end puss but… I prefer the faded, big-nosed, tore up 50-something wife of an arthritic biker.

I am known as the pimp with a golden heart, I work with all sundry of high-end puss but… I prefer the faded, big-nosed, tore up 50-something wife of an arthritic biker.

I'd cold-pack that.

I'd cold-pack that.

I keep waiting for him to tell our heroes that he's not gonna fall for any banana in the tailpipe.

I keep waiting for him to tell our heroes that he's not gonna fall for any banana in the tailpipe.

I have been saying the same thing re: lousy acting and ridiculous facial contortions and was called out on it recently, by Charlie Humman's mother I think, she was apoplectic. Not really, I just never used that word in a sentence and thought it was about time.

I have been saying the same thing re: lousy acting and ridiculous facial contortions and was called out on it recently, by Charlie Humman's mother I think, she was apoplectic. Not really, I just never used that word in a sentence and thought it was about time.

Franz/Homer: [runs over cat] "I don't care!"