F-U Potsie

Without burdening anyone with my life story, I so relate to the Jimmy/Chuck dynamic — neither my brother or me are attorneys but the searing existential anger sure is there. I'm Jimmy.

Yes. This is not the best breakfast I ever ate.

Scoff all you like at CGI Tarkin but how can you not get a chuckle from his final power move on the venerable Director?

went again last night, you are correct.

ahhh, thank you David… need to brush up on my acronyms.

sorry David but what is "SE"?

K2S0 had me at "that answer was vague and *unconvincing."

How many heart attacks did Roger have, was it just the one? Yet keeps right on smoking, doubles down on the booze then takes LSD with Jane (which he hilariously cites in a later conversation with her.) God Bless this show and all its craven, irresponsible characters.

same here… i love the Don as much as the next guy but sometimes his baritone is a little hard to decipher…

"hey, stop saying Peter Pan/Hawaii in there."

I can give you the definition of a good Catholic: Me, I haven't set food inside a church for mass in about 30 years.

"I'm not your boyfriend."
was relieved at that scene because i've always thought Peggy was too frumpy for Don and he would have instantly lost womanizer cred had he gone there.

Me three. I power-watched this entire series over about a two-month span (which was about right, often doing only one episode per night, sometimes two.) Whereas Breaking Bad I was literally watching 4-5 episodes *per night* and completely overloaded on it. By Season Three of SOA i was hate-watching it with the best of

right on, AC… appreciate the insight; this is probably more about me being a hater/jagoff who never really liked Jax all that much to begin than anything else.

to answer your question… I honestly don't know, maybe i need a few nights for it to sink in but i am guessing if i feel this way fresh off the finale then i don't imagine that feeling will change much… and i hate to lump myself in with all the hate-watchers but i had gone from having emotional investments in some of

i'm an f'n idiot, thanks for coloring in between the lines where i apparently couldn't… onto the Pilot ep. of The Shield!

i couldn't get the air drums down for that song until this last episode (earlier version of the song was easier somehow.)

Upon reaching the end, I didn't feel even a tinge of sadness that this series was over, unlike when I got to the end of The Sopranos. It's more like relief that it's finally over and a sense of self-loathing that I am such a douchey completist that I stubbornly watched SOA through to the end.

AC, wtf was that on the side of the road where the blood was slowly flowing to [in the closing shot]? looked like old rice dislodged from its take-out container. I seriously don't get it.

Glad to hear it, now get acquainted with the Enter Key — Paragraphs are your friend.