Nick Bottom

When someone says the "gig" is up, they mean that an engagement has played its course. When someone says the "jig" is up, it indicates that a scoundrel has been found out, and the forces of law and order are on their way.
The Jig is Up - CBC.ca

"…where the movie will suddenly snap into black-and-white and then back to color again a few minutes later, for no real reason other than the fact that Tarantino thought it looked cool."

"Unless Sy had some weird backup plan where it would get sent if anything ever happened to him."

Reading the comments here made me a bit sad.

Yes the Halo and more.
The Lennon story has an arc.
He grew immensely over the years thanks to a lot of therapy and a lot of help from Yoko.
But I would suggest you take a deeper dive into his music, writings and in-depth interviews where he speaks for himself.


Being cynical about Everything is no way to go through life, son.

I was enjoying this show until this episode.
I don't care if it makes sense of if he is just manipulating us but I didn't need to see that kid getting hit by the truck and the other 'shock violence' moments.
Worst episode so far.
Naomi Watts was great though.

One word for you Tom…
All of them especially Trump got plenty of free time on FOXNews.
It was straight up racism.

I didn't see them but The Beatles live shows pretty much sucked.
They were less than a half hour and you couldn't hear anything.
The Stones in 1972, The Exile on Main St. Tour, is still the greatest concert I have ever seen.
The Who at Tanglewood in 1970 doing Tommy for 'the last time' was special.
And their Who's Next

He sure did.
Jagger said he was never the same after seeing James Brown there.

As someone who was there I can tell you that Jimi Hendrix was the best live act.
Ray Charles in his prime was unforgettable.
I saw him as a lark by hopping a fence.
The one that got away for me was Bob Marley.


If Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore couldn't do it these guys can't.

Thanks for your response It's not happening across the board. I'm able to post on some sites but not yours. Disqus says "they're working on it." I'm turning my VPN back on now.

Hi All! I use a VPN. Why? Because my ISP and most likely yours is tracking everything we do online and selling it God knows who. The problem is AVC lists my comments as spam because it comes from the VPN. This is just a note to AVC and Disqus to find another way to deal with spam than a blanket rejection of every

Last time I touched a DVD was 2007.

Overrated movie for me.
It's the only Amy Adams performance that didn't work for me.

It's mostly decent and only sucks here and there. While damning with faint praise, it IS the third best Alien movie.