Nick Bottom

You are talking about one of the best sci-fi scripts ever written.
It was not written by Ridley Scott.
He directed that script.
Dan O'Bannon wrote it.

Clearly Mason is the Spock.
Wags is Scottie and $Bill is Bones.
It's just that the new characters have been reassigned.

This show is totally, batshit crazy, ridiculous.
But the acting is making it all worth while.
Taylor Mason is one of the all-time great TV characters.
Even with the totally, batshit crazy, ridiculous idea of an intern running the multi-billion dollar hedge fund.
This show is really just Star Trek on Wall Street.

I once had an Egg McMuffin made for me.
The English muffin was perfectly crisp and the egg cooked just to the point of a solid yoke.
It was absolutely delicious.
Clearly letting their food lay around is their biggest problem.
I never order anything but their breakfast stuff.

Maybe I just unimaginative but I only see two endings for this show.
Either the kids wind up orphans or they all wind up in Kansas under witness protection.

Those were Koss Pro4AA.
I sacrificed my hearing to them in the late 1960s

It's a pretty useless skill when you think about it.
I'm sure women have found better things to do.

I have a theory regarding Ryan and McConnell clamming up about Trump. If, or more and more likely when, the day comes they have to exercise the 24th Amendment and kick Trump to the curb without an impeachment, the less they look like political opposition and the more they look like constitutional authorities excising

It's Trump who is the Snowflake in Chief.
He has a hissy fit if you say his hands are small.
And they are TINY!
I mean forget palming a basketball he can't hold a baseball with one hand.

Does anyone under 40 get this reference?

His best work was in Pirates of Penzance.

I didn't miss it.
I still think she can be just as funny if not funnier and still leave the kid out of her comedy.
It's not a lot to ask.

So if Ann Coulter jumped off a bridge…

OK the joke IS funny.
But hey he's 10 and Trump already offers a target rich comedy environment.
Let's leave the kids out of it.

If they had a "Best Drive-In Movie" category then sure, give it a statue.

I thought he was miscast.
I didn't believe one word out of his mouth.

This Earth shaking news was first reported by Julia Child in black and white at WGBH. Only she called it a "butter massage" and not a "butter facial."
To be fair she stole it from the French where she trained to be a chef.