Martin T. Scheckland

I felt my heart breaking throughout Sasha's segment. Another potential superstar's career ending way too early. I have never been so happy to see Dana Brooke in my life, and I actually dig her as a competitor and on the mic.

This reads to me as "a fun film if you can look past its nonsensical plot." Which is basically how I described Captain America: Civil War. Fair enough, I'm in.

Another good one!

I have no illusions that Cesaro ain't winnin'. Frankly, I think Jericho's a better bet than he is, if only because WWE is practically daring me to drop the channel at this point (damn you, love for NXT!!!). I just think, all things being equal, he's the best choice behind Owens & Ambrose.

Great playlist. The only possible omission is Papa Gene's Blues.

If we're ranking the MITB competitors, here's my best guess. And I say "best guess" because WWE has a tendency to prove me wrong in the worst ways possible:

If that Chippendale was Joey Ryan, no way would that shark be swimming/flopping/sharknado'ing away…

This is brilliant on too many levels. From the entrances to the batting stance ritual to Sadako shaking off her catcher's signals to…it's too much. My head asplode!!!

Joke's on you. This has Cthulhu's tentacle-prints all over it.

Rumor has a third movie in pre-production starring John Cena: "Now You Can't See Me."

If I wait until it comes out on cable or Netflix, like I did with the first one, does the title become "NOW You See Me, Too?!?"


Thank you. :D

"No you're wrong because if I don't like it there's no way it can be good because I only like good things and not bad things and SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" *brainsnap!*

Oh, misogynistic asshole pseudo-fanboys, you're all so adorable when you're disingenuously indecisive: do you want the impossible third Ghostbusters film with the original cast (the one that Bill Murray kept refusing to make and Harold Ramis is…unavailable to make)? Do you want the "originals pass down the mantle to a

My only thoughts about last night's Raw:

This is the perfect cure for nymphomania. If sexual arousal is a vampire, this "erotic" fiction (or is it "fiction"?) is a stake through the heart, garlic in the mouth, beheading, and burning of the body.

Cate Blanchett as Hela?

They'll have to get past my army of Silver Shamrock'd 8-year-olds to get to me.

As some one who loves John Carpenter's movies (and Lost Themes), and despises the Rob Zombie shitshows, this news pleases me a great deal. Hopefully he'll put the kibosh on that whole druid nonsense from the previous franchise as well.