Martin T. Scheckland


Heh, I just watched this last night at Boston Underground Film Festival. I thoroughly enjoyed it for all the reasons given.

The drum solo is more interesting than the actual song. This is life in Trump's America.

I'll admit, I never saw her in NXT. My whole experience with her is the main roster. Maybe it's another case of Diva's Disease, which also afflicts Natalya (who used to be one whose matches I enjoyed but now can barely stomach). But the bad soap opera dialogs and worse matches need to end. Either step up the skills or

Thank you for this.

God, I hope not. Send Summer Rae packing and get us one step closer to the end of the Divas' Era.

Purrazzo's betrayal of Becky actually makes sense in terms of storyline. In her "heel mind," Becky stole her shot at the Champ AND disrespected her by confirming Bliss' claim that Purrazzo isn't legitimate competition. Which, by my scorecard, allows for THREE possible Women's Division storylines on Smackdown: Bliss'

Rosa Mendes is only around because of the PR shitstorm cutting her would cause, as she's out in part because she had a baby. Her time is coming. Alicia Fox still has some value on the mic and as advancement talent, but I don't see her being a round for a ton longer either. Frankly, It's nice to see the Divas Age

Survivor Series was a dismal reminder that the main roster is openly contemptuous towards the fans, daring us to cancel our subscriptions.

This week's review was basically spot-on. RAW was flabby and dull. While JeriKO continues to carry the show on their shoulders, video packages and ponderous in-ring promos killed the show's momentum - thankfully, I had South Park episodes to watch.

It's ignoring Wing Day…

Loved the Styles/Ambrose/Ellsworth match for all the reasons you mentioned. That is all.

Satan Chicken from Lords of Salem ensured that I will never waste my time with another Zombie project. I get mad just remembering that shitshow. And, to be honest, I've seen enough of his wife's scenery chewing and gratuitous ass-shots to last a lifetime.

As much as I hate Nikki Bella, this feud with Carmella seems to be getting well past its Sell By date, in part because Nikki continues to be awful on the mic and in part because Carmella's "big reveal" was nothing but a chance to ram the awful "reality show" down the fans' throats combined with everything fans already

Oh I agree. I'm not saying it was a good match. It obviously wasn't. But in terms of storytelling and giving the audience pure entertainment? Gold, and I appreciate Styles more for being willing and able to do it. My comment about Raw taking note is that I DON'T want a weekly squash match.

The Styles/Ellsworth match was gold. Everyone involved seemed to be having a good time, and the audience was clearly entertained by it. Moment of the night was Ambrose's snack and autograph moment. While I wouldn't want it weekly (Raw, take note: weekly squash matches get old quickly), after a damned solid No Mercy, a

Jeri-KO segments were the few things that actually kept me watching last night. The List is starting to rival "Man of 1004 Holds" for the comedic titanium.

I love the Cruiserweights (though I think they're wasted on Raw), but TJP's "aw shucks" attitude needs to go. Part of why I liked him in the CWC was the cocky streak he was portrayed as having. Part of me was eagerly waiting for him to be brought back to earth, but his win versus Kota Ibushi had me cheering out loud.

I honestly believe that The Miz is, and has been for a while, the most underappreciated performer in the WWE. He does everything you'd want him to do in the ring and on the mic, and I don't think he gets nearly the respect he deserves. I love how much I hate him. I was lukewarm over the Miz/Ziggler match at the last

Am I the only person who was worried about a wardrobe malfunction during the triple threat Women's match? They need to provide Dana with better ring gear. Past that, I was basically pleased with the match itself. I think the botched pin is ignorable because, while Sasha's shoulders WERE on the mat, she wasn't actually